Emerging details about the murder of Philly reporter Josh Kruger make for a paradox

As if the Democrat’s flamboyant plaudits for men like Ed Buck, Harvey Milk, and Scott Wiener didn’t tell you enough about what the contemporary party has become, and the character of the people who champion its causes, now we can seemingly add Josh Kruger to the mix.

If you recall, Kruger was the journalist recently murdered in Philadelphia, a case which drew national attention; he self-identified as HIV, frequently wrote about “LGBTQ issues” and his own “experiences with homelessness and addiction,” and his X feed relentlessly mocked Republican and conservative Americans as immoral and troglodytic.

John Fetterman called Josh Kruger’s death a “devastating loss” but as the story plays out and new details emerge, Kruger’s absence is fixing to be a net positive—according to a new report out at The Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday:

The family of Robert Davis, 19, who is accused of killing local journalist Josh Kruger, said that Davis was just 15 when he and Kruger began a years-long relationship involving drugs — and that Davis told them Kruger was threatening to post sexually explicit videos of him online before, police say, Davis shot Kruger.

Well imagine that, the gay man who shamelessly aligned himself with the modern Democrat party that proudly stumps on the sexualization of children was apparently personally sexualizing a vulnerable child, plying him with drugs, and blackmailing him with private photos. As journalist Andy Ngo reported:

The family of the black teen accused of murdering Josh Kruger says he groomed their son for sex starting when he was 15, & got him addicted to intravenous drugs & meth. Kruger was working at the Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services during the time he allegedly met the boy.

Yet, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner said this:

The suspected killer is an alleged victim of pederasty, and if the claims made by Davis’s family turn out to be true, then that makes Kruger a predator and a pedophile—it’s amazing we live in a world where we continually have to remind the left that having sexual relations with children is always wrong, and when these children are younger than the age of consent, this is rape, plain and simple. And, you can rightfully assume that if there’s one victim, there are more.

Also from the Inquirer:

The family’s contentions come as detectives separately discovered and are investigating what multiple law enforcement sources have called explicit photos and messages in Kruger’s phone. The sources, who requested anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, did not say whether the images or messages were connected to Davis, but said they were ‘disturbing’ and have been turned over to the department’s Special Victims Unit for further analysis.

Seems like what Davis’s family is saying is probably true….

For many, this turn of events would come like a plot twist, but as conservatives know, it’s entirely predictable. This is exactly where grooming leads — angry and confused young victims — and no doubt, Davis has been groomed for years, in public schools, on social media, and by the “entertainment” industry. By the time Davis reached adolescence, he was a perfect target for a predator. We can also know that neither Kruger nor Davis had/have strong, loving, and moral fathers in the picture.

Removing Judeo-Christian moorings from society and compelling the destruction of the nuclear family unit inevitably leads to a slippery slope of sexual ethics: the age of consent ever so gradually trends younger and younger; children exposed to BDSM “drag” performances and erect males is simply “art” and “expression”; and middle-aged men exploiting vulnerable rent-boys is a manifestation of “love is love.”

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