In House Speaker race, Democrats show their totalitarian stripes

As Republicans futz around to elect a House Speaker, what's with all these tweets from Democrats?

Check out what the deep state activists among them with say-so are saying, such as left-wing Hillary Clinton lawyer Marc Elias:





Here's a paranoid one:



Old, fat, and paranoid is no way to go through life, Al.

Worse still, elected Democrats, presumably on the sidelines, but obviously looking for advantage have obviously adopted the same talking points:











It's amazing how alike they sound, isn't it? Almost like Elias sent them their marching orders. 

What's creepy here is that even as they wax pious about "democracy," something they've never cared about before, given their propensity to burn the flag, what they're doing is calling for cancelling elected officials, saying that the House can't vote for them, because, democracy. The House can vote for anyone it likes for House Speaker. To bellow on about January 6 as a disqualifier is profoundly undemocratic. Apparently, no one is allowed to question election results when Democrats win.

It's not like Democrats don't do this sort of thing...







But unlike Democrats, Republicans never said any of those Democrats weren't "allowed" to run for House leadership positions. Cripes, they've got Rep. Ilhan Omar, an anti-Semite straight from the pages of a V.S. Naipaul book about third-world confusion and resentment, in leadership positions -- and based on the information out there, it looks like she married her brother, too. But Republicans can't run for any such leadership position if they've ever questioned a skeevy election.

Padilla, who ironically, isn't elected at all, prattling on about the sacredness of elections and democracy is particularly loathesome, and not surprisingly, his hypocrisy drew a lot of good retorts from the locals. Here's a sample:





Bottom line here is that Democrats are telling Republicans who they can run for leadership positions, and voters who they are allowed to elect. If that isn't their inner totalitarian screaming to get out, as David Horowitz might put it, what is?

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