Black ‘thought leader’ condemns ‘white people’ as irredeemable bigots, suggests reparations aren’t enough

I had never heard of Yaba Blay until today, but she describes herself as one of the “foremost thought leaders” in fields like “Black racial identity, colorism, and beauty politics,” or, simply, black cultural Marxism. Needless to say, all Blay’s scholarly pursuits yielded zero intellectual gains, reaping only supremacist views and hatred, a fact on prominent display in the video below:

(She has a Venmo for digital panhandling? How mortifying.)

“White people, I need you to know that your money will not assuage you from your guilt. You cannot pay your way out of this. There aren’t enough reparations in the world that you can pay us.”

Many of us, like myself, don’t actually harbor any guilt because we never owned slaves, and it’s not like American slavery was some unprecedented system deserving of unprecedented political action. Slavery has been around since the dawn of time, and every color person under the sun has been found under its yoke, including “white” European women who were traded across the Arab Muslim trade, with a majority suffering as sexual chattel instead of laborers.

So, naturally, I don’t grovel and willingly hand over my money to black people like Blay who think I owe them the fruits of my labor and sacrifice simply because I have white skin; it’s an idea as asinine as demanding those with black skin pay for a system in which they had no part, to compensate me, a white female of European descent, for the tragic experiences of people long gone whose only relation to me is we happen to have like genetic characteristics (sex and skin color).

However, I’m routinely extorted to pay for reparations, whether it’s the welfare system (the largest in the world or college tuition for affirmative action recipients—but now I’m finally off the hook for all those massive taxpayer drains, so thank you Miss. Blay! No amount of money is good enough, therefore it would be futile and foolish to fork over billions of dollars to try to assuage the victim mentalities of people like this; as she said, she’s going to spend our money and still “tell us” that we are “racists.”

Also, get this: a cursory internet search revealed that Blay is a first-generation American, whose parents are from… drum roll please…. Ghana. Gee, how ironic. (Ghana, once a British colony known as the Gold Coast, previously served as a major supply hub for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, and was home to countless African, black, slave traders. I’d be willing to bet that Blay has some slave-trade blood in her, somewhere along the line.)

When I hear Blay say “white people … you cannot pay your way out of this,” and “this” being the manufactured narrative in which “white people” are inherently oppressive because of our skin color and therefore we owe non-whites something, I wonder, what is it that they want then?

To be honest, my mind goes to South Africa, and the “white” experience of not being able to “pay” your way out of the problem. It wasn’t enough for the whites to fund the government to make direct reparations payments to black residents, and it wasn’t enough to seize the land of the white farmers and redistribute it to the black non-farmers.

You know what has seemed to be “enough” though? Rape, torture, and bloodshed.

Image from X.

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