Bidenites gaslight about where that $6 billion to Iran went -- and get debunked handily

Joe Biden's minions and allies have got their talking points now, and would have you think that that $6 billion they released to Iran last September 11 had nothing, nothing at all, to do with the surprise attack and atrocities warfare launched by Hamas against civilians in Israel.

Here's a particularly ignorant statement, from, sadly, a Fox News correspondent, who at a minimum doesn't think things through.



This retort from a former State Department official who knows about how Iran uses sanctions, is devastating:



This is how Iran makes money releases work, even with cash in different accounts.

In addition, Biden approved this, straight cash on the barrelhead for the attackers, no need to slink around with Iran:



The Bidenites also equivocated about the brutality, as if Israel, the victim of the unprovoked attack, were somehow "just as bad" as the barbarians of Hamas.



Boys, boys....

That didn't go over very well, and now they are backtracking.

Pali party's over, pals.

There also are other problems traceable to Biden's foreign policy failures.

Mark Levin outlines the starter pack:



But there's a new report out saying Afghanistan provided a bonanza to these thugs:



I would also like to know the whereabouts of one Viktor Bout, the arms-dealer kingpin who was exchanged for a basketball player imprisoned on a drug offense in Russia by Joe Biden's administration. It is known that Hamas had a nice meeting in Moscow with Russia's rulers a few months ago.



We assume they were talking about bike paths for Palestine, right?

Bottom line? The Bidenites have a lot of explaining to do with regard to how these brutes and savages got the money to launch their expensive terrorist attack while keeping it secret from our vast and overpriced intelligence apparat.

Image: Twitter screen shot






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