Biden offers up big rotten plates of Bidenomics to voters, alarming even Democrats

Eat it.

That's what Joe Biden is asking voters to do for the big rotten plates of Bidenomics his campaign ads are touting in his bid for another run at the presidency.

Biden's economy utterly stinks, yet he's selling just that in "Morning in America"–style ads to voters, as if merely claiming that the bad economy is good is enough to get people to change their minds and vote for him.

So no wonder some more level-headed Democrats are alarmed, calling it a blunder.

After all, gas prices are pushing $7 a gallon in California, and food inflation is clocking in in double digits.  Only 28% of Americans are satisfied with the Biden economy, according to a new NBC poll

According to Axios:

The Biden re-election campaign's decision to brand the economy under the president's name (Bidenomics) is looking like an early blunder that misread the public's deep pessimism about how things are going on that front.

Why it matters: Despite some encouraging economic trends — unemployment is low, inflation seems to be tamed — polling shows that Americans' overall perception of the economy is sour.

Driving the news: Some prominent Democrats are now openly criticizing the Biden campaign's strategy, arguing that it appears to be in denial of Americans' economic reality.

  • "I've never understood why you would brand an economy in your name when the economy hasn't fully recovered yet," Michael LaRosa, a former spokesman for Jill Biden, told Politico.
  • "Whatever stories Americans are told about the strength of the economy under President Joe Biden, they are not going to be persuaded to look past the issue of their own living standards," liberal economist James Galbraith wrote.

Mickey Kaus noted that Biden's economy-touting carries a double-blunder: Biden is bringing up President Trump's economic policies as some kind of contrast to his own supposedly glowing economy.

In the memories of voters, Trump was very good on the economy.  Worker wages rose, jobs were plentiful, inflation was minuscule, and people made money.  Remember $2-a-gallon gas?  Remember when a bag of groceries could be had for $20?  Voters remember those things, and they contrast those memories with the state of the Biden economy today, as economist Galbraith noted.

But not a problem for Joe, who thinks he can gaslight voters into thinking the good times have arrived.

There are good times for some people, just not the bulk of voters who matter.  Bureaucrats are making record salaries, and most new jobs created, which Joe sings the praises of, are government jobs.  Government jobs by their nature crowd out private-sector jobs, so the prosperity Joe touts is confined to just a few people.

A new poll from TIPP/I&I just out shows that 86% of Americans want spending cuts of all this government expansion — and that includes a majority of Democrats.

According to Issues & Insight's Terry Jones:

The government narrowly avoided closing after Congress came to a last-minute, short-term political deal to keep it open for another 45 days. With soaring spending and exploding federal debt, the latest partisan dispute was inevitable. But Americans have a clear retort, according to the latest I&I/TIPP Poll: Regardless of party, they want cuts in federal spending and blame our dangerously soaring debt on Congress's failure to do so.

The national online poll of 1,378 Americans, taken from Sept. 27-29, asked respondents two questions related to the current budget impasse. The first: "The national debt has exceeded $33 trillion. What do you believe bears the primary responsibility for this situation?"

The message from the poll, which has a margin of error of +/-2.7 percentage points, was clear: Overall, 66% blamed surging debt on "excessive government spending," followed by "insufficient taxation" (13%), "slow economic growth" (11%) and "unsure" (9%).

That's not just a rotten plate of Bidenomics Joe Biden is touting to voters; it's a stinky rotten plate of Bidenomics.

Let's hope Mickey Kaus is right on the money as to what this clown's strategy is going to bring to Joe come Election Day.  They actually believe their own bee ess and want you to join their party.

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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