A new book in England tells children about the blacks who built Stonehenge

A new “history” book in England is raising eyebrows because it’s trying to attach Britain’s hugely consequential history to Africa. While this is historical nonsense, it’s an important step in the leftist takeover of whichever land they conquer.

It’s fair to say that, in a sense, everyone in the world is a child of Africa. After all, Africa is the cradle of humanity. However, beginning about 2 million years ago, many of our ancestors left Africa, seeding the rest of the world with people who eventually became modern humans.

Apparently, it was about 950,000-700,000 years ago that ancient humans made their way to England. Over the course of several hundred thousand years, not only were they culturally separated from Africa but, in response to the limited sunshine, they slowly paled and became northern European. By around 9,000 years ago, they were the  Caucasians we know today.

Around 5,000 years ago, the pale-skinned living in England—the ones who hadn’t had contact with Africa in hundreds of thousands of years—built Stonehenge. We still know little about those who built Stonehenge, but we do know that they had no ties to Africa and that they were much paler than those who remained in that Equatorial land.

Image: Stonehenge by garethwiscombe. CC BY 2.0.

Although Julius Caesar first invaded Britain in 55 B.C., the true Roman conquest of Britain wasn’t until 43 A.D. The indigenous Celts were pushed to the fringes of the British Isles (Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall), while the Romans began importing their own population. It’s reasonable to believe that, among these Romans were some people of black African descent, whether they came as Roman citizens, soldiers, or slaves.

However, the Roman occupation lasted only a few hundred years, after which England was inundated by wave after wave of Danes, Angles, and Saxons—all of whom were the palest people Europe could produce. Up until the post-WWII wave of immigrants from Africa, the Caribbean, India, and the Middle East, something that accelerated in the 1990s, the United Kingdom was a lily-white country.

That history of thousands of years of whiteness—moreover, extremely successful whiteness given England’s colonizing large parts of the world—is a vexing problem for the new generation of non-white Brits. It seems like a failure on their part that they have no role whatsoever in Great Britain’s glorious past, one that has shaped the modern world.

However, the rising tide of non-white Brits has an advantage: They are Britain’s future, and they get to write the history books. After all, that’s what conquerors do. This meme came across my desk the other day, and it perfectly summarizes not how history is made but how it’s remembered:

(Incidentally, although the image is of Norm MacDonald, there’s no evidence that the words are his.)

And it’s with that image in mind that I’m pleased to present to you the story of Brilliant Black British History, written by a Nigerian immigrant to Britain, who is happy to let you know that blacks, not whites, built Stonehenge:

Stonehenge was built by black people, a new children’s history book has claimed.

Readers of Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British author Atinuke, are told the neolithic monument in Wiltshire was built while Britain was a ‘black country’.

The book, which is aimed at children aged seven and above, also tells readers that ‘every single British person comes from a migrant’ and that the ‘very first Britons were black’.

The introduction adds that Britain has been ‘mostly a white country for a lot less time than it has been mostly a black country’.

Atinuke also claims that the remains of the 10,000-year-old Cheddar Man belonged to someone who had ‘skin as dark as dark can be’.

In a way, this is a silly debate because it’s completely irrelevant what color the Stonehenge people were. Their culture and beliefs matter, not their melanin content. But as I said, knowing that Britain’s age of greatness occurred during its Caucasian era and that its current age of irrelevance coincides with a racial shift is a problem for the race-obsessed left.

Because revolutionaries must always rewrite history to suit their needed narratives (see also George Orwell’s “memory hole”), they will stop at nothing to erase the past and ensure that it always aligns with the present—something we’ve seen with increasing violence across America since George Floyd managed to kill himself with drugs while in police custody.

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