The Daughters of the American Revolution has been forced to go woke

The Daughters of the American Revolution (“DAR”), a lineage-based organization open to those who can trace their ancestry to those who fought in the American Revolution. When founded, and throughout its history, it was a defiantly women’s organization, formed by suffragettes. Now, though, thanks to the fallout from Justice Neil Gorsuch’s toxic Civil Rights Act decision, it’s effectively being forced to admit fake women to its ranks.

In 1889, the centennial of George Washington’s first inauguration, a group of men created the Sons of the American Revolution. When it refused to allow women to join, the women founded their own organization in 1890: The Daughters of the American Revolution. This was a women’s rights issue, especially given that the main founder, Mary Smith Lockwood, was a friend of and advisor to Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

When you look at this 1913 picture of the DAR President General, Julia Green Scott, you can just see the suffragette vibes oozing off of her.

Image in the Public Domain.

And indeed, Scott was a most remarkable woman, not just for her day but for any day. According to Wikipedia,

She was one of the largest landowners in the American Midwest, running multiple farms and owning tens of thousands of acres of land. After her husband, Matthew T. Scott, died in 1891, Scott took over as the largest shareholder and president of the McLean County Coal Company. She was presented the Medal of French Gratitude of the First Class in 1921 by Jean Jules Jusserand for her efforts to rehabilitate the French commune Tilloloy after World War I, and for helping find homes for over 4,000 French children left orphaned by the war.

I am woman; hear me roar!!

Given the DAR’s defiantly feminist creation and the roles it gave women in a male-dominated era, it’s simply criminal that the modern DAR is effectively being forced to pave the way to admit fake women. I say that because, buried deep within the Newsweek article reporting on the change, we can see that it is a defensive move because of Justice Neil Gorsuch’s opinion about the reach of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

According to Newsweek, the amendment to the bylaws “‘clarifies’ existing policy on membership eligibility, [but] critics say it opens the door for anyone with a legitimate birth certificate stating that the person is female to be able to join the organization.” Given that birth certificates are now a matter of feelings, not facts, that does indeed seem to be a voluntary decision to introduce fake women into the organization.

However, the real motive behind this change seems to be contained in this paragraph from Newsweek:

The amendment added a line, stating that DAR and its chapters “may not discriminate against an eligible applicant based on race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.”

That’s the kicker. In 2020, Gorsuch’s opinion in Bostock v. Clayton County, stated that, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 used the word “sex,” that word must be understood today to mean “gender identity.” That’s complete nonsense, of course.

The Bostock decision applies to Title VII (the employment context), but it has fundamentally changed the law in America, given that the Supreme Court has opined that sex means transgender. Any organization that doesn’t want to be hit by a lawsuit—and the transgender crowd is a litigious one—is going to engage in preemptive surrender. That seems to be what the DAR just did.

As the child of legal immigrants who only came to this country in the 1950s, the DAR is not an organization that resonates with me. Nevertheless, what I do care about, deeply, is the fact that an ideologically corrupt Supreme Court decision is forcing transgender madness into every aspect of American society, destroying all in its path.

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