NYC mayor deploys a ‘trash can on wheels’ robot to deter out-of-control crime in the subway
If this is the Democrats’ solution to the mess they created, it’s no wonder that people are abandoning the party in droves… and how strategists, analysts, and the rest of the consultant class can’t figure that out is beyond me.
On Friday, New York City mayor Eric Adams held a press conference to reveal his administration’s latest brainchild to tackle the crumbling city’s growing culture of violent crime—it was such a rookie move, even the dullest of fellow Democrats called out the feckless flop. The secret crime-fighting weapon for all the assaults and knife attacks? A Knightscope K5 Security Robot which is basically a glorified RoombaⓇ, or as Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge describes it, “a giant trash can on wheels.”
See what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said about Adams’s latest initiative below:
NYC schools got defunded to pay for these privacy disasters on wheels
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 22, 2023
Although probably unnecessary since big city fiascos at the hands of the Democrats are very hard to miss, but here is some context per the Zero Hedge article:
Somehow, the mayor and fellow Democrats believe this robot will deter criminals who have only been emboldened by failed social justice policies over the years.
From afar, the fully autonomous security robot looks like a giant trash can on wheels. It’s armed with cameras and will record video but not audio.
The robot comes as the mayor has slashed budgets citywide by 5% amid worsening financial conditions in the metro area, fueled by outflows of residents and businesses and a migrant crisis sparked by the Biden administration's disastrous open southern border policies.
In January 2020, Business Insider published a report noting numerous problems with the Knightscope brand, from “running over a toddler’s foot” to “ignoring people in distress” to becoming “incapacitated” by obstacles—I’m sorry, but Adams envisions this fighting crime in the subway system? If this thing can’t navigate around a “mall fountain” as the aforementioned article reported, then how is it supposed to avoid rolling off the edge of the platform? Furthermore, how self-defeating can Democrat policy be? Deploying a helpless video-camera-on-wheels automaton to catch criminals who don’t respect life and property? How long until someone wearing a mask kicks this thing onto the subway tracks? Or spray paints the camera lenses? This thing won’t last more than an hour in a crime-ridden subway station.
Also from Zero Hedge:
‘$9 an hour… $9 an hour. I know you wanted to write how we’re wasting money, but I’m sorry I’m taking your thunder away. We’re leasing at $9 an hour,’ Adams said at the robot’s big reveal press conference.
I can only assume that means the NYPD is leasing the robot from Knighscope, but what happens when this thing is inevitably damaged or destroyed, either through sabotage or self-error? How much will that cost the taxpayer? Are New Yorkers paying an insurance policy on the robot too?
Now, here’s the real clincher. $9 an hour works out to $78,840 per year (of course it won’t last that long), a figure supported by a NBC News report from 2021 which stated that these robots rent “for an average fee of around $70,000 to $80,000 per year” and… a big portion of the cost involves the company’s storage of the “huge volume” of data that these robots gather. Like AOC said, these robots are roaming “privacy disasters” and frankly, that’s the point.
Here’s a funny one before you go, with a heads up for some foul language:
Wow, the NYPD Robot has some interesting deterrents for some of the issues the city has been having. #DilleyMemeTeam
— drefanzor memes (@drefanzor) September 23, 2023