Nazis in Florida support the leftist in the White House

Self-described Nazis are picketing at Disney World. One media outlet has already tied them to Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. But what happens when the Nazis support Biden? Well, that’s the curtain pulled back on leftism.

Business Insider, which makes no pretense of being anything but a Democrat-supporting media outlet, reported on the story of Nazis on parade in Orlando:

Neo-Nazis were marching in Florida on the Labor Day weekend chanting, “We are everywhere,” The Mail Online reported. The extremist hate groups Blood Tribe and The Goyim Defense League paraded in the Orlando area on Saturday.

The same article explains that, according to the ADL, the main group, the Blood Tribe, worships Hitler, which means it embraces his toxic racial beliefs. Business Insider also wants you to know that its contemptible the founder, Christopher Polhaus, was “linked to the January 6 insurrection”—never mind that it wasn’t an insurrection as that term was meant in the 1860s or as it is defined at law today. Also, the article doesn’t explain “linked to,” a remarkably vague term, especially given that he wasn’t sucked into the DOJ’s dragnet and sent to prison along with grandmothers and elderly cancer victims.

Image: Nazis for Biden. X screen grab.

Even worse, according to Business Insider, the Blood Tribe “has staged anti-LGBTQ+ demonstrations.” DeSantis, of course, has been pushing back against Disney’s relentless, open press to introduce children, starting as young as two and three, to the wonders of “transgenderism” and other made-up “gender identities.” So now, if you’re Ron DeSantis or anyone else opposed to the destructive fantasy of gender madness, you’re a Nazi.

The Business Insider article also says that “US Nazis were increasingly brazen, and some had been outspoken in favor of Governor Ron DeSantis.” With a bow to journalistic decency, the article does acknowledge that “[t]he presidential candidate argues that these individuals are not his true supporters.”

Business Insider also reports approvingly that Anna Vishkaee Eskamani, a strongly pro-LGBTQ+ Democrat who sits in the Florida House of Representatives, has denounced the marchers as “another example of the far-right extremism growing in Florida.”

Eskamani hasn’t been shy about ensuring that people tie DeSantis in with these Nazis. She reposted the following tweet to make this point:

So, there’s the narrative: There’s a direct connection between Nazis, Trump, and Ron DeSantis. But what happens if your Nazis refuse to stay in their lane but, instead, support Joe Biden?

If you’re a Democrat, you ignore this (so it’s important that you share Brandon Straka’s tweet widely). And if you’re a conservative, you nod sagely because you’ve always understood that Nazis and communists are the same people.

Here’s the deal: Karl Marx is the father of modern socialism. He had a few overwhelming creeds. Capitalism, that is, private enterprise, is inherently evil. The state should own all the means of production, as well as everything else, because that’s only fair. And Jews are evil. Yes, modern antisemitism started with Marx (as opposed to the traditional Christian anti-Jewishness that was dying out by the mid-19th century).

Socialism eventually gave birth to two children: Communism, which asserts that the state should own all the means of production, and fascism, which asserts the state should control all the means of production. In the 1920s, Hitler created his National Socialist Party to effectuate his fascist policies.

Both Hitler and Stalin, one a fascist and the other a communist, also made antisemitism integral parts of their policies. Hitler landed on the idea of wholesale genocide. Stalin was more subtle, executing Jews individually and discriminating against them en masse.

American leftism continues to have Hitler’s economic policies (the state seeks to control the means of production—and, as in Nazi Germany, many of the corporations happily ally themselves with the government) while opting for Stalin’s more subtle approach to Jews. Democrats aren’t executing or imprisoning Jews, and it embraces those Jews who support the Torah only if it supports the Democrat party platform. However, they dislike religious Jews and are becoming increasingly open about their embrace of Palestinians anti-Christian, antisemitic, homophobic, and misogynistic) and hostility to Israel (the only pluralist, pro-LGBTQ+, feminist, liberal democracy in the region).

Given the modern Democrat party’s ideology, it’s entirely unsurprising that an antisemitic, neo-National Socialist marcher should be a Biden supporter. They share many of the same beliefs. These are ideas that are antithetical to true American conservativism, which is about a small government whose members don’t hate the Jews and who do not have policies that reward or punish individuals based on their race, color, creed, sex, or homosexuality. (I deliberately exclude “transgenderism,” because that’s either a mental illness or a criminal predatory act that requires treatment or punishment, as appropriate.)

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