It’s good to be king—or, if you’re Ronna McDaniel, queen of the GOP

Given how terrible Biden’s first two years in office were for America, it was reasonable to believe that 2022 would be a red-wave election. Instead, it was a red piddle. We didn’t regain the Senate, and we barely took the House, which we currently hold by an almost nonexistent margin. Maybe that was partially because Republicans didn’t do anything after 2020 to stop election fraud (and still, despite big talk, they’re still doing nothing). Both these things—winning elections and keeping them honest—are supposed to be the Republican National Committee’s responsibility. With these failures, chairwoman Ronna McDaniel should have been deposed. Instead, she was reelected and managed to double her salary over the years.

The Washington Examiner broke this story:

McDaniel, who was elected as chairwoman in 2017, was paid $122,582 in her first year but made $358,431 from January 2022 through November 2022, according to Federal Election Commission data.

The highest yearly salary she received from the RNC was $410,640, which she got paid in 2020. McDaniel’s recent salaries easily outstrip the $257,782 former Chairman Reince Priebus made in 2016.


The pay increases for McDaniel came as the GOP lost the majority in the House after the 2018 midterm elections and lost the Senate and White House after the 2020 elections. McDaniel is facing a challenge for reelection as RNC chairwoman after a lackluster showing by the GOP in the 2022 midterm elections, with Republicans only winning back the House by a narrow margin.

Republicans’ poor performance in 2022 was the latest in a series of losses the GOP has suffered while McDaniel has led the party’s primary campaigning arm.

Only in politics does one get spectacularly rewarded for failure—although it should be noted that, depending on whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, failure and reward have different meanings.

For Democrats, failure means the destruction of America’s institutions (schools, cities, the military, etc.), and that failure is the desired outcome. They imagine that, once the institutions are gone, they can replace them with a glorious leftist Utopia. Thus, in terms of their ultimate political plans, failure is success, and their rewards are deserved.

For the Republicans whom McDaniel represents, failure means making promises to restore America’s institutions and utterly failing to do so. These failures are a disaster for the nation and for Americans as a whole. Republicans, both politicians and RNC operatives, should be punished but, instead, they continue to get elected in Republican strongholds while their incompetent operatives keep bringing home the bacon.

Of course, the alternative way to view this is that there is no real difference between the Democrats and those whom I term the Vichy Republicans: They all want big government, open borders, global corporatism, perpetual wars, and lax social policies. If that’s the case, then Ronna McDaniel’s pay increase reflects a job well done, not for Americans, of course, but for the Uniparty political class.

Image: Ronna McDaniel. YouTube screen grab.

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