Burning Man, known for hedonism and neo-paganism, suffers under the wrath of a flood
When the “wickedness of man was great in the earth” and “every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” God sent a flood; when the waters receded, God made a convenant promise recorded in Genesis 9:11, which reads:
And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off from any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
He vowed to never destroy the entire earth by the “waters of a flood,” but it’s completely conceivable to me that He destroys specific locales, and for the very same reasons. (Next time, it will be fire.)
Last Sunday the 2023 Burning Man festival kicked off, and this weekend, which marks the end of festivities, more than 70,000 festival-goers find themselves stranded, thanks to a wrathful deluge of rain. Campers are being told to conserve food and water, overflowing portable toilets can’t be cleaned or emptied, and at least one person is dead.
Burning Man is described as a “survivalist desert camping experience posing as an arts festival” by a “trans” influencer who claims the title of longest-going attendee in the world; in reality, it’s a cliché gathering of modern leftists, with all the drugs, sex, and pseudo-antimaterialism you’d expect.
Once a year in the desert of Nevada, Black Rock City springs up, and tens of thousands of people flock to the “playa” to revel in hedonism and neo-paganism—literally. The festival’s origin is an “impromptu” 1986 summer solstice ritual in which “artists” from the San Fransicko area burned wooden effigies of a man and a dog. Of course, when one thinks of men ablaze at a solstice, they think of the Druids and the oldest of all pagan rituals, human sacrifice; apparently though, Burning Man’s founders didn’t make the connection. Among other things, attendees erect a temple as well as an “Orgy Dome,” which according to Daily Mail, saw more than 9,000 visitors in 2015, and is described by the outlet below:
The 24-hour air-conditioned tent at the eight-day festival in Black Rock City, Nevada, encourages people of all sexual orientations - whether they are poly-amorous or monogamous - to take part, and is said to feature massage tables, mattresses with clean sheets, lubricants, condoms and sofas.
Absolutely filthy. To paraphrase P. J. O’Rourke, Burning Man attendees can be summarized as having an urge to be toddlers, running around without pants and putting everything (or in this case, everybody), in their mouths.
The festival is entirely unoriginal for hedonist pagans. Mocking Scripture and selling a counterfeit culture? It’s already been done, many times before—get a new schtick already. Larry Harvey, one of the founding “artists” once said, “This may be the essential genius of Burning Man: Out of nothing, We created everything.” Well… that comes from Genesis, then the Gospel of John. The festival is always nine days long, but I can’t begin to cover the significance and prevalence of the number nine in Scripture. The “golden spike” is revered and worshiped; doesn’t that sound like Nebuchadnezzar’s golden statue?
It would behoove these attendees currently being devastated by prevailing waters, to brush up on their biblical history. An image, found today on X:
God: 1
— Not a Pilot (@NotAPilot2) September 2, 2023
Burning Man: 0 pic.twitter.com/8aM8cVx42P
Image: Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.