Who knew that ISIS would try to take advantage of an open border?
My late mother would read this story and scream: "¡Qué estúpidos son!," loosely translated to "How stupid they are!" Yes, who knew that ISIS or any other terrorist group would exploit a porous border?
This is the story:
Border Patrol arrested a whopping 12,028 criminal illegals in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, and the criminals keep coming. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics on criminal illegals apprehended FY2023 to date (last updated Aug. 16) is 10,810 criminal illegals. There was also a 600% spike in potential "national security risk" migrants (i.e. potential terrorists) apprehended in FY2022, a total of 25,627 individuals — hence the Border Patrol Union is warning that thousands of terrorists could be entering the U.S. illegally.
Again, why would anyone be surprised that people who want to harm the country would exploit an opportunity to harm the country?
There is more from the story:
The FBI is investigating more than a dozen Uzbek nationals allowed into the US after they sought asylum at the southern border with Mexico earlier this year, a scramble set off when US intelligence officials found that the migrants traveled with the help of a smuggler with ties to ISIS, according to multiple US officials," CNN reports. "While the FBI says no specific ISIS plot has been identified, officials are still working to 'identify and assess' all of the individuals who gained entry to the United States, according to a statement from National Security Council spokesman Adrienne Watson. And they are closely scrutinizing a number of the migrants as possible criminal threats, according to two US officials."
More than 100 suspected terrorists have been arrested at the U.S. southern border since President Joe Biden took office. It is estimated two million "gotaways" have crossed into the U.S. undetected. In May, an Afghan national on the terror watch list was arrested in San Diego.
What would a responsible president do? First, he would close the border and let the system digest the ones already here. The mayor of New York City might support that. He could use a break from the buses.
Second, he would assure the country that further steps would be implemented to keep out criminals or security threats. This is consistent with the oath that he took when he assumed the position.
Third, why aren't we talking to Mexico about this? It's hard for me to believe that Mexico cannot stop this in a heartbeat. Or maybe it can't, and that would call for unilateral action against the criminal elements profiting from the human traffic.
So the border is open, and bad people are crossing it. Read my mother's quote again.
PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
Image: Public Domain.