Teaching proper English to black children is 'white racial superiority' for California 'educators'

Few things are as distressingly cringey as watching leftist women with a glaring superiority complex try to hide it by advertising sham concern and pseudo-inferiority.  Watch the video below in which a group of California academics (particularly one, Professor Cassandra Drake) discuss how to approach children who mispronounce English words:

There are obviously countless articulate black English-speakers, many much more well spoken than I, or this professor, will ever be — Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas being two prime examples, mentioned as they are my personal heroes.  I'd have to ask Ms. Drake, if the teacher in question were black, and he corrected a black student, would that still be considered "white racial superiority"?  (This whole premise is so unbelievably stupid that it's amazing we even have to address it.)

What happens when there's a spelling test, and "ask" appears?  If only certain-colored children (white) were taught the proper pronunciation, that means only certain-colored children (white) will be able to sound it out and spell it correctly.  Talk about a disadvantage, manufactured, no less, and possible only when you have leftists doing the "thinking."

What Ms. Drake is suggesting would actually yield a wildly bigoted result: she's advocating we take the first step toward illiteracy, but only for those in the black community.  How's that for irony?  In a roundabout way, she argues that withholding a legitimate education (that's what objective English instruction is, after all) from black children is the good and moral thing to do.  For someone who would undoubtedly claim that slavery is the worst evil to ever exist, what does she think of wholesale illiteracy?  Is that not slavery?

As one social media user commented:

'I had to ask the teacher.'

'I had to ax the teacher'

2 different meanings.

There's this wild concept, one these teachers probably haven't ever considered, but it's pretty simple: just treat every child equally.  We live in an English-speaking nation, so if you're an educator, maybe just teach proper English to each and every child, regardless of his skin color or how he speaks.  A good English education should not be exclusive to white students, but rather available to all students.  A child's future is infinitely brighter when he understands the native language and can speak it well.

Now, I can only speak from personal experience, but in my household, which is entirely white, we too have "home language practices" that are "wrong."  For example, when I ask my boys how they slept every morning, they now respond with "well" instead of the colloquial "good" with which they used to reply...but that's only because I've corrected them when they've erred.  My five-year-old says things like "be-tend" for "pretend" and "Pennsyl-bane-ya" for "Pennsylvania"; just yesterday, my 12-year-old said "Mt. Ara-mat" for "Mt. Ararat."  If I correct my children when they say "be-tend" or "Mt. Aramat," it isn't a matter of "white racial superiority" — it's because it's in their best interest to understand the English language.

Leftist academics are like Islamist suicide-bombers: they've deluded themselves into thinking they're on the noblest of missions, but the reality is, when they accomplish it, they've done nothing more than obliterate society and destroy innocent people.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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