Swank Parisian avenue reduced to unbelievable migrant squalor, and river pollution calls 2024 Olympics into question

Remember when London mayor Sadiq Khan, in response to the New York subway bombing in 2017, said that (Muslim) terror attacks were “part and parcel” of living in a big city? I mean, I guess he was technically right, but that’s because under leftism wickedness and lawlessness flourish. But! Islamist terrorism shouldn’t be, and never was “part and parcel” of cosmopolitan living … until politicians like Khan manufactured a suicidal clash of cultures. And, nowhere is that more apparent than in France, and specifically, Paris.

French president Emmanuel Macron, and Paris’s mayor Anne Hidalgo, are far-left socialists, and behind a charitable façade they have imported, and continue to do so, hordes of third-world migrants. It’s been eventful to say the least; from a piece by Monica Showalter last month:

But altruism isn’t limited to humanitarianism! These politicians are also deeply dedicated to environmentalism. Think Macron’s war on affordable “dirty” energy. The communist utopia vision packaged as the Paris Climate Accord. Hidalgo’s “tranquil zone” policy which bans “private vehicles from the historic heart of the city … to decrease congestion and improve air quality….” And oh, and how could I forget? Last month, after years of trying to tackle the city’s rat infestation, Hidalgo conceded to the vermin, to “achieve a more peaceful state of coexistence with the rodents.” From Politico

‘With guidance from the mayor, we have decided to form a committee on the question of cohabitation,’ announced Anne Souyris, the city’s deputy mayor for public health, during Thursday’s meeting of the Council of Paris. She added that the group would be tasked with finding the method of dealing with the rats that proved to be both ‘effective’ and ‘not unbearable’ for Parisians.

Not clean and sanitary, but hey, at least it’s not unbearable. Beggars can’t be choosers.

So, you might find it odd (or not, if you use your frontal lobe) to learn that in Paris particularly, where you have two layers of the ruling class doing so much for the environment, that the streets are indescribably filthy, and their rivers are hopelessly contaminated! See the video below, posted to X a few days ago:

You’re looking at a strip of the Rue de Rivoli, a street named after one of Napoleon Bonaparte’s historic victories, and once described as a “bustling commercial artery replete with shops featuring the most prestigious brands in the world.” Mind, you, this is right around half a mile from the Louvre Museum, and other priceless national treasures.

Next, France24 reported that dangerously high levels of “E. coli” and pollution in the Seine are behind a spate of recently canceled elite swimming events; from the article:

…swimming stages were called off for the weekend’s para triathlon and mixed relay races after high levels of E.coli bacteria were detected in the river water.

Results of water quality tests showed ‘significant discrepancies’ in the hours leading up to Saturday’s events, organisers said in a statement.

The water quality did not offer the ‘necessary guarantees’, said the Paris Olympics organising committee and governing body World Triathlon.

The cancellations came just two weeks after races for the 2023 World Aquatics Open Water Swimming World Cup were also cancelled due to the high levels of pollution in the Seine.

Well, there are mobs of humans living in putrescence on the sidewalks, I wonder if that has anything to do with a contaminated water supply? Regardless, there’s a plan in motion to get the clean-up underway; from a France24 article published earlier this year:

The French government plans to move homeless people out of Paris ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games in the capital, sparking criticism from some mayors of regional towns and villages which are expected to house them.

From mid-March, the government began asking officials around France to create ‘temporary regional accommodation facilities’ that can handle an outflux of homeless people from the capital, many of them migrants.

Housing Minister Olivier Klein explained to parliament earlier this month that the changes were necessary because of an expected accommodation crunch in the City of Light during the Rugby World Cup from September and the Olympics next July and August.

Like the do-gooders that Macron and Hidalgo are, they do have a plan to clean up the city, and objectively, it’ll work … at least, for them. The ordinary French people, especially those living in the French countryside purposefully away from the filth of the left-run city? Not so much.

Just call them the 21st-century Habsburgs.

Image: X video screen grab.

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