Shut up, they explained: Comparing Trump's persecutors to the totalitarians of the 20th century

The fascist far left cannot believe they’ve been accused of acting like the authoritarian collectivists of National Socialist Germany or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that persecuted their political opponents for the ‘crime’ of expressing the wrong opinions, even though they’ve been persecuting their political opponents for the ‘crime’ of expressing the wrong opinions.  

Just after President Trump was indicted for the crime’ of wrongthink in a manner reminiscent of the socialist nations of leftists Joesph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. The Trump campaign had the unbelievable cheek to say that it was reminiscent of the socialist nations of leftists Joesph Stalin and Adolph Hitler. Cue Greta Thunberg spitting out “How dare you.”

Anti-liberty leftists lost it on two levels, exemplified by Jake Tapper of CNN casually stating without evidence

“Obviously comparing this to Nazi Germany is beyond the pale in terms of offensiveness and ignorance.”

Offensiveness in the sense that the pro-freedom right is never allowed to defend itself from the false charges from the left of being fascist or a National Socialist.

The unwritten edict from the far left is that no one is to ever violate ‘Godwin’s rule’ - unless they do it, especially to attack President Trump. Leftists have gone so far as to claim that you shouldn’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler because It belittles Hitler.   

So, while the far left has given themselves full permission to hurl whatever fascism (semi or otherwise) or Nazi mendacities they want at the pro-freedom right. Their convenient little ‘rules’ dictate that it’s offensive to apply the same standards to them, especially when they are projecting on all cylinders. Thus, it was ‘obvious’ that this was offensive since the Trump Campaign’s very appropriate rejoinder ‘violated’ one of the far left’s most cherished and sacrosanct rules.

The irony in the ignorance issue of the Tapper quote points straight at the far left in that their biggest lie is that some collectivist authoritarians magically belong on the pro-freedom right of the political spectrum. 

Leftists constantly parrot this lie, but they never back it up with a factual argument. They’ve been trying to gaslight people so long that they probably don’t even know the source of the lie.

We’ve proven the “Nazis were far-right” lie can be traced back 100 years to far-left infighting over ideological minutia no one cares about. This internecine political warfare was seen in the old USSR between the ‘far-left’ Bolsheviks and their rivals they deemed ‘right wing’ or some other disparaging pejorative. The same also took place in the states in the early part of the last century, long before the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party gained prominence. 

This eviscerates the rivalry claim and shows that leftists don’t know what they’re talking about when they deny their past.

The New York Times dated May 11, 1920, on Page 3 is a prime example with the headline:

'MILD' SOCIALISTS WIN ON PLATFORM; Conservatives, Led by Hillquit, Defeat Attempt to Name New Committee. FIGHT TO CONTINUE TODAY Ultra-Radicals Denounce the Party Principles Presented as "Lacking Punch." DEMAND PROLETARIAN RULE Planks Offered Include Recognition of Soviet Government and Socialization of All Industries.

The "conservative" wing of the Socialist Party won a victory over the "ultra-radicals" at the second day's Session of the Socialist National Convention at Finnish Socialist Hall, 127th Street and Fifth Avenue, yesterday.

Take note that the New York Times referred to ‘The "conservative" wing of the Socialist Party’ in an article published nearly 19 years before WWII and before the National Socialist German Workers' Party gained prominence. The article refers to rivalries and internal conflicts within what is clearly a leftist socialist organization and yet some are referred to as being on the right. So much for the rivalry talking point of the “Nazis were far-right” lie. 

The same holds true with the Bolshevik Revolution of October 25, 1917, the Entente intervention in October 1922 where the Bolsheviks set themselves on the far-left flank, shifting all others to the right, and then repressing, exiling, or executing them:

The Bolsheviks intended to rule alone and did not hesitate to eliminate all other parties and factions that did not share their perspective. Thus, the representatives of other leftist parties and party groups—Mensheviks, Constitutional Democrats (Kadets), Socialist Revolutionaries (SR), anarchists—were repressed, exiled, or executed in the course of the Bolsheviks’ power grab.

The supreme irony in some trying to deny what is obvious, that the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party was leftist, asserting these claims come from an alleged lack of research or ‘ignorance.’  Reflects badly on the far left since it shows they don’t even know the source of the lies they propagate. They are projecting their own lack of knowledge and they don’t even know it. And that includes some ‘esteemed’ leftist experts who neglect to look at the history of their own ideology.

This shouldn’t be surprising since they can’t even figure out basic biology and what is a woman. Maybe they need to ‘crack a basic science book’ first before lecturing the rest of us.

The Trump Campaign was correct in labelling these persecutions as reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, the former Soviet Union, and other authoritarian, dictatorial regimes. Too bad the national socialist media can’t understand that their lies have been exposed and are now blatantly obvious.

D. Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: Picryl // public domain

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