Self-described ‘racist’ vlogs her plot to destroy a man—because of his skin color, and he might be a ‘Trump supporter’

It wasn’t the premarital sex, or the casualness of using another human being for selfish desires that offended her; it was his white skin she found so reprehensible. See the video below posted to Twitter by Libs of TikTok yesterday (language warning):

Allegedly, this woman is a teacher. (Update: The woman has since been fired by her former employer, Mesquite Independent School District, as reported here.)

She refers to the unidentified young man canoodling with her sister as “a pasty” and a “cave-dweller” and simply just “a white” — rather bigoted and derogatory language, wouldn’t you say? — before she goes on to display a text conversation with a caption that reads (in part), “Our parents raised us better than this!!!!” (I’d like to think she was speaking to values of sexual purity and chastity… but I gather she means anti-white hate.)

While speaking into the camera, the young woman laments that her sister is a “cave-dweller smasher,” meaning the sibling has sex with white men, and claims she’s about to unleash her inner saboteur — maybe even killer? She includes a screenshot with “her man” in which she identifies herself as a “racist” and asks her partner to “come and kill” the white man, and requests that he “bring all 4” of his guns — oh, and she “promise[s]” to help “hide the body” afterwards. (I wonder if she ever gets on the soapbox about “gun violence” and school shootings?) In completely predictable and cliché fashion, the boyfriend denigrates the white man for apparently looking like a “Trump supporter.”

Of course beyond the absolute madness this video encapsulates, two things in particular stuck out to me. The first being, that if a “bad day” for this woman simply means a white person had the audacity to breathe the same air, I can only assume that she leads a relatively carefree and happy existence. She can’t actually be on the receiving end of any bigoted attitudes or prejudices, because if she were, you’d think that would be her chief complaint. Of course this isn’t conclusive and completely unscientific, but I can confidently say that I have never personally witnessed abusive bigotry leveled against blacks (or any other minority for that matter) by a conservative. I have, on the other hand, seen it countless times with the perpetrator being the stereotypical Democrat Brownshirts.

The second is her expressed shock when she posed the question, “on this land?!” I can’t know for sure what she really means by that, but one can assume she’s taking offense on behalf of indigenous people, given the reference to land; ironically though, being black and therefore of African descent, by her own measure, this isn’t her land either. 

She hates white people, and she’s possibly employed in your child’s classroom.

Clearly this woman thinks her skin color gives her license to be hateful and demeaning, and operates under a mindset in which white people are the enemy — now I wonder how that could possibly be? If I had to make another assumption, I’d guess that she’s a raging “anti-racist” who cares about social justice, and proudly votes for Democrats… because they represent her values.

Image: Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

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