Mayor who pleaded guilty to child pornography charges a Pete Buttigieg mentee

Patrick Wojahn served for eight years as the Democrat mayor of College Park, Maryland.  A gay man, he described Pete Buttigieg as his mentor.  In March, this Buttigieg mentee was charged with 56 counts of child pornography.  At the time, he was presumed innocent until proven guilty.  Now, though, he's pleaded guilty to 120 counts, all tied to child pornography, and will spend 30 years in jail.

There's no indication that Buttigieg has done anything wrong.  I just find the connection amusing.  It's also a reminder that people who define themselves by sex tend to bring sex to other areas of their lives, sometimes in very bad ways.

For a long time, Wojahn was a golden boy of the LGBTQ+ movement.  An admiring 2021 feature article about him in a University of Maryland online student publication focused strongly on his being gay.  In December 2022, he was one of the people assembled at the White House to witness Biden sign into law the Respect for Marriage Act.  You can find other positive articles about Wojahn and his sexuality by following this link.

Image: Patrick Wojahn.  Prince George's County Police.

And then there's Wojahn's personal relationship with our current secretary of transportation and proud father (mother?) of twins, Pete Buttigieg.  The Blade, which bills itself as "America's LGBTQ News Source," interviewed Wojahn in 2019 after he was re-elected as mayor and Buttigieg's mentorship came up.

Given the Blade's focus, the interview is, of course, about Wojahn's sexuality, which, honestly, seems to be his defining feature no matter the venue in which he appears.  But again, about Buttigieg:

"I actually met Mayor Pete Buttigieg shortly after I was elected mayor in 2015," Wojahn said. "I went to the U.S. Conference of Mayors' Winter Meeting in D.C. in January and he was assigned to be my buddy."

The two continued to talk over the phone and Buttigieg explained the conference to him and what would take place at the meeting. Later, they would both attend a White House reception during the Obama administration where Dave and Chasten (Buttigieg) would meet as well.

Buttigieg continued to mentor Wojahn, advising him on how to get the most out of his participation in the conference.

"I now serve in a leadership role as vice chair of city livability and bicycling in part due to his mentorship."

They also talked about the challenges of being an openly gay mayor with Buttigieg sharing with his mentee the story of his coming out while serving in office.

"We talked about balancing competing interests," Wojahn said, which for him became an issue when he proposed flying the Pride flag from City Hall during Pride month a few years ago.

Wojahn's turn as gay golden boy (the next secretary of something or other?) collapsed when he was arrested in March and charged with possessing child pornography.  His guilty plea shows that what he did was worse than possessing the stuff:

Wojahn pleaded guilty to 60 counts of distribution of child pornography, 40 counts of possession of child pornography, and 40 counts of possession of child pornography with the intention to distribute, according to a Wednesday news release from Prince George's County State's Attorney's Office.


Authorities began investigating Wojahn in February after they received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, indicating child pornography was distributed by someone in Prince George's County, according to the release.

Possessing is bad.  Distributing is worse.

Again, let me reiterate that there is not a smidgen of evidence, not a hint of smoke, not the slightest whisper in the wind that Pete Buttigieg has done anything wrong.  I just think it's funny (yes, funny) that he was the mentor of someone who got caught up in a crime that is closely centered around sexuality.  That's because one of my main problems with modern LGBTism is that it's not healthy to define oneself by sexual identity, practices, or preferences.

It's one thing to be a politician who, in private, is gay or a golfer who, in private, is gay.  However, the modern trend is that you're a gay politician or a gay golfer, and that you must dedicate inordinate time and energy to promoting your sexuality rather than focusing on just about anything else.  If you're constantly focused on the sexual side of your being, there's a decent probability that this will lead you into dark places.  Sex should be an aspect of our lives, not the dominant trope, and we're seeing that again with the fall of Mayor Wojahn.

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