Joe Biden finally gets to Maui, cracks joke to survivors about the time he 'almost' lost his 'Corvette'

All right, to be fair, the vintage Corvette roadster does double as a storage unit for classified government documents, so a financial hit from its loss wouldn't just mean tens of thousands of dollars going up in smoke, but probably more like tens of millions.  If that 'Vette burned up, there goes his whole source of income!  If the Chinese and every other American adversary don't get access to classified docs, Biden ain't getting paid!  You wouldn't deny a man a living wage, now, would you?!

Now, apparently in 2004, one of Joe Biden's residences experienced a minor fire.  According to a 2004 report, lightning struck the home, "starting a small fire that was contained to the kitchen," and "no one was hurt" — but that didn't stop Dementia Joe from prattling on to the survivors of the Maui blaze about how he knows "what it's like to lose a home."  Watch below:

(I will say, I'm genuinely impressed at the restraint of the Hawaiian musicians standing just behind Joe.)

But if you know Joe Biden, you know it gets worse; brought to my attention by my colleague Monica Showalter is this video clip:

The Democrats could have gotten anyone, but as fate would have it, they got Joe Biden.  You know, the beauty of a politician is that at least in theory, he's good at politicking (politicians can charm with forked tongues, lie with abandon, they're slimy), but not Dementia Joe — he's too far gone in his senility.  He could have gotten up on that stage and issued empty but emotive condolences, putting on a spectacularly believable show, but he just can't help himself.

Understandably, people are outraged.  However, Biden is never not despicable, so I am slightly confused how anyone is that surprised by what took place...

Now, if I were on Biden's staff, I'd know a little bit about shifting blame and pointing fingers to avoid culpability, and the P.R. strategy seems like a no-brainer solution: just pin it on Robin Ware or Robert L. Peters, or maybe even somebody they call the "Big Guy"?  I heard he's quite a menace.

Actually, now that I think of it, I'm certain it was one of those troublemakers who went off script and fell asleep at a somber memorial service, making Joe Biden look like a nincompoop.  In fact, I saw it with my own eyes!

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