J. B. Pritzker and company set to ban certain marketing schemes that are ‘harmful’ to ‘minors’

The lede reads, “Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) has already pledged to sign the marketing ban when it reaches his desk.”

Okay, no surprise there, the government intervening and tyrannizing the “free” market and private enterprise is nothing new; but then we find a quote from Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul, a Democrat, giving us a clue as to where this is going. Via Breitbart, Raoul said: 

We’ve gone after the marketing that has historically driven up the consumption by minors for those products that are harmful to them.

Oh! Could it be Dr. Frankenstein selling “top surgery” to young girls on TikTok? Or maybe the abortion collectives and “telehealth” agencies that target children on social media, or advertise on Google, and send dangerous pharmaceuticals unregulated through the mail? What about corporations like Target or Kohl’s that promote the sexualization of infants and toddlers by mentally ill adults, all under the pretense of visibility and acceptance? Perhaps even the processed “food” companies that fine-tune techniques and creations to prompt addictive compulsions in the brain, manufacture literal poison, and then package the health hazards in colorful and fun wrappers? Conceivably the target could even be Nickelodeon, since the network turned beloved cartoons and characters into Big Pharma shills to hock the Fauci Ouchie. (I could go on ad nauseam.) 

Nope, none of those! It’s the guns-are-bad firearms industry. From a local outlet:

Illinois will soon outlaw advertising for firearms that officials determine produces a public safety threat or appeals to children, militants or others who might later use the weapons illegally….

The prime exhibit used by Raoul is a JR-15, which is a .22 kid’s version of the AR-15 platform, and in the advertising the tagline reads, “Get ’em One Like Yours.” Don Harmon, the legislator who sponsored the bill said, “Some of the ads I’ve seen are just stomach-turning.” Apparently in response to the negative attention, Wee 1 Tactical, the maker of the JR-15, said the following in an email statement:

The JR-15 .22 youth training rifle is for adults who wish to supervise the safe introduction of hunting and shooting sports to the next generation of responsible gun owners. Parents and guardians wanting to pass on this American tradition have been purchasing small caliber, lighter youth training rifles for decades.

No kidding! That’s the whole goal of the conservative gun owner movement, to teach proper stewardship and use of a tool that can be so dangerous—Democrats wouldn’t know that though, because their examples are parents like Joe Biden who clearly never taught his son firearm responsibility and safety.

To imply otherwise would be asinine.

Note, a parent introducing their children to hunting and shooting sports is “stomach-churning” but TikTok dances of bare-chested girls with jagged incision scars and dead eyes isn’t. Got it.

A quote from Declaration signer Richard Henry Lee and used in a blog I wrote yesterday explains (much more succinctly than I) exactly why Democrats don’t want our children around firearms:

To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.

Image: YouTube video screen grab.

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