Democrat senator accuses Mike Pence of ‘little’ understanding on ‘gun violence’

Let’s get two things straight. Y’all are on the same side, so give it up already, and y’all both have no clue what you’re talking about when it comes to preventing terroristic shootings, or the bedrock of the American government; for elected officials who swore an oath to “support and defend” that bedrock, the Constitution, I find that reprehensible.

Back in April, Mike Pence spoke at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting, and made two propositions. The first, “more institutions for the mentally ill” and the second, an “expedited appeal” for those convicted of “mass shootings” so they can be put to death in “months, not years.” A few days back, Pence apparently repeated this position while speaking to Nancy Cordes on CBS’s Face the Nation program.

Yesterday, Connecticut senator Chris Murphy spoke to Cordes, and she asked what he thought about Pence’s suggestion. To this Murphy replied:

Well it shows how little Mike Pence understands about the gun violence epidemic in this country. The fact of the matter is, most mass shooters are engaged in a suicide attempt, most mass shooters are intending to either kill themselves, or be killed by police, and so Mike Pence doesn’t know what he’s talking about when he says that he thinks mass shootings will go down if you threaten to kill the people who are carrying them out, they are in fact seeking to die.

First off, I will give it to Mr. Murphy, Pence certainly doesn’t know what he’s talking about… because he too is a gun-grabber. Remember Pence’s 2019 visit to Indianapolis? From a local outlet:

Vice President Mike Pence believes Indiana’s red flag law could be used as a potential blueprint for similar laws across the country.

The Vice President touted Indiana’s red flag laws as a tool that’s helped to prevent incidents of gun violence, specifically when it comes to those with mental health issues and instances of suicide.

‘While we will always defend the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms, we don’t want people who are a danger to themselves or others to have access to firearms,’ Pence said.

Red flag laws are a violation of due process, because one is guilty until proven innocent. An accusation of “danger to self or others” is all it takes, and members of law enforcement meet with a judge unbeknownst to a private citizen, before they promptly show up at the door to seize firearms. The citizen, who’s guilty of no crime, must then petition the government to reclaim ownership.

In conjunction with Pence’s suggestion that a solution to “gun violence” is additional institutions for the mentally ill, we can only infer that he meant involuntary incarceration for those who are a “danger to themselves or others and have access to firearms,” because that’s what the word “institutions” implies. If that’s the case, we have to ask ourselves: when is a person “mentally ill” enough to warrant a violation of due process, or imprisonment in a state “health” facility?

When he or she is diagnosed “mentally ill” by the Marxist-indoctrinated intelligentsia?

When a leftist “doctor” spots an America-firster from afar, and surreptitiously “treats” the wrongthinker, like the “27 psychiatrists and mental health experts” who “assessed” President Trump without ever meeting him, yet labeled him “dangerous”?

When someone abhors tyranny, and they get flagged as having the “common” Oppositional Defiant Disorder, defined as a disobedient attitude towards  “authority figures”?

So if Pence understands “little” about how to stop evildoers with guns, then neither does Murphy, because he embraces the exact same policies, and then some, which means he’s only more of a clown.

Image from X.

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