Col. Douglas Macgregor’s grim forecast about the Ukraine war and its fallout
Two days ago, Tucker Carlson posted his long-form interview with Colonel Douglas Macgregor (Ret.). It’s about the war in Ukraine, but it extends far beyond Macgregor’s assertion that the Ukrainian army is losing badly. In the interview, Macgregor also discusses the consequences of that loss for America and Europe and explains the domestic American politics driving the war.
If you were to listen only to the media, you’d believe that, a year and a half into the war in Ukraine, a war that the Uniparty unequivocally supports, the Ukraine army is attaining victory inch by inch, or even millimeter by millimeter. The Russians, we are told, are demoralized and afraid.
Colonel Macgregor tells a different story. According to him, Ukraine has suffered 400,000 military deaths, while the Russians have lost around 50,000. The Russians have infinitely superior eyes in the skies, making it possible for them to have missile strikes within five minutes of being aware of Ukrainian troop movements. Russia, true to its historic approach to war, also has vast reserves of men, most of whom it’s currently holding in abeyance. It doesn’t want to wage all-out war…but it can.
Eventually, says Macgregor, Ukraine will run out of men. The only thing left will be for America to fill the void with boots on the ground. And that’s where his assessment gets scary. Macgregor says that, despite its years in the Middle East, the American military is not ready for a boots-on-the-ground war against a standing army.
Image: X screen grab.
First, our weapons systems are often obsolete. For example, our tanks have engines that burn hot whether moving or idle. Not only does that mean that they have only eight hours in them before needing to be refueled, but it also means that Russia’s sophisticated surveillance systems can locate and destroy them within minutes, something that was not a problem in the Middle East.
Second, our troops are used to fighting rag-tag informal armies. Most of our casualties were sustained because of IEDs, not because of direct combat. With Russia, we’ll be facing a standing army that has been honing its direct combat skills for a year now.
Third, our military has been substantially degraded over the last 15 years. The focus hasn’t been on merit; it’s been on politics and social engineering.
Fourth, our manufacturing sector is gone, making it impossible for us to be an “arsenal of democracy” as we were in WWII. And what Macgregor doesn’t say, but I will, is that it’s been shipped to China, which is Russia’s ally.
Macgregor also talks about the leadership problems here at home driving this war. He tactfully implies but doesn’t say outright, that a lot of the problem comes because Biden is surrounded by Jews who hate Russia because of how Russia treated their parents and grandparents. I disagree with this suggestion, and it’s not because I’m Jewish.
First, the historical reality is that, during WWII, the Ukrainians were so enthusiastic about slaughtering Jews that even the Nazis were shocked. If you’re going to do a “who’s the most antisemitic country” contest between Russia and Ukraine, they both stink. Moreover, Ukraine was part of Russia at the time of the pogroms.
The problem isn’t Jews in the administration; the problem is secularists in the administration, all of whom hate the Judeo-Christian moral system that built the modern West. These people run the gamut from Christian to Jew to all the atheists filling the in-between spaces. Keep in mind that leftist Jews are merely formalists: They observe the high holidays and put their kids in Hebrew school, but they have no room in their hearts for core religious doctrine. Just as is the case with leftist Christians, God is a prop, not a guide.
Once you understand that what’s happening is driven by leftism from across the religious spectrum, everything starts making sense. Don’t forget that the American left had no problem with the Soviet Union. It’s Putin’s Russia that they hate. And it is true that Putin’s Russia is a cruel place with a leader who does what Russia’s leaders have done going back to the Middle Ages, which is to abuse the population. That, though, is not what troubles the left.
The great sin of Putin’s Russia is that Putin wants Russia to be a Christian country run with traditional values. That’s something that the left cannot forgive. That’s why Hillary targeted it as Trump’s alleged partner behind the non-existent collusion that led to “Russia, Russia, Russia” as the anti-Trump battle cry.
The Russian collusion lie may be exposed and Trump gone from office, but, for the left, the reason behind the anti-Russian animus remains. And what about the Republicans who are on board with this madness? Well, if you add to the left’s Putin hatred Ukraine’s long-standing role as a money-laundering state, along with the wealth flowing to the weapons sector in America, which then directs cash to our political establishment from Biden on down, you don’t need Jewish conspiracies to explain the war. Leftism, power, and money will take care of everything.
So, while I disagree with Macgregor’s subtle anti-Jewish bias, and wish he didn’t have it, I think in all other respects he’s correct. And given that fact, what he has to say is extremely important and worth hearing:
Ep. 18 Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 21, 2023