Chicago lesbian bar set to install vending machine stocked with condoms and abortifacients
A seedy sex den by any other name would smell as putrid.
Yesterday, Block Club Chicago, a small news outfit that provides "essential coverage of Chicago's diverse neighborhoods," reported:
Later this month, people will be able to access free emergency birth control and condoms in a new vending machine at the lesbian bar Dorothy.
American leftists love to think of themselves as "cultured," and I suppose, in a sense, they are — they're bringing the practices of the notorious Bangkok brothels (many underage) to what was once the humble Midwest.
Bar owners Zoe Schor and Whitney LaMora have teamed up with Midwest Access Coalition, a group that facilitates abortion tourism, and although the involved parties are still ironing out detail, the vending machine is postured to have "emergency contraceptives, condoms, pregnancy tests and other harm reduction resources free of charge."
Oh, that's right — because lesbians sometimes have penises.
("Emergency contraceptives" are commonly known as the "Plan B" pill, which is an abortifacient. Plan B is used after sex to prohibit conception, and in the event conception has already occurred, it makes the uterus inhospitable to implantation. This is different from chemical abortion pills, which are taken once the pregnancy has progressed to starve and kill the growing person before expelling him from the womb.)
Now, in a normal world, the provision of abortifacients, (male) condoms, and pregnancy tests in a lesbian bar would be perplexing, because lesbians are females who have relations only with females...and obviously, they can't impregnate one another. In fact, even Google's English dictionary, provided by Oxford Languages, notes the "exclusivity" of lesbian relations between members of the female sex.
But in leftist world, all bets for sanity are off. "Lesbians" have sex with "lesbians" who have penises, no uterus means no opinion on abortion, but then gay men can have uteruses and they do get to have an opinion on abortion, just as long as they're pro-abortion, and the madness goes on and on. Also from the article:
Eventually, they hope to stock the machine with a variety of other free resources, including Narcan. ...
'We'd love to fill it with a variety of times, but our focus is definitely how we can save and improve lives in a free way,' LaMora said. 'Setting out to be a safe space for everyone means helping to foster people's ability to stay healthy and safe[.]'
Couple of things to break down here...
"Everyone" means...everyone. This includes each and every single person. From the biggest, blobbiest drag queen, down to the smallest and most innocent child in the womb.
Next, these aren't "free" goods, because somebody is paying for them, including the U.S. taxpayer. Midwest Access Coalition, the group stocking the vending machine, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and tax breaks are afforded to these types of business structures as well as the donors — the taxpayer picks up the tab when tax revenue decreases.
Lastly, encouraging a woman to participate in the murder of her own child, and promoting lifestyles that are antithetical to harmony and safety, do not improve people's lives — they only bring harm. From The Spectator Australia last month:
[A]bout a decade ago the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey reported on the lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence … focusing for the first time on victimisation by sexual orientation.
It found a victimisation prevalence of 43.98 per cent for lesbians, making it the second most affected group after bisexual women.
The article also included the findings of a "new study from Rutgers University" which iterated the findings of the older CDC study:
A new study from Rutgers University has found a significant increase in domestic violence in lesbian relationships.
The above study used a survey of 1,090 LGBTQ individuals. It found that bisexual women, followed by lesbians, are the most likely to suffer from all forms of intimate partner abuse.
(Now bisexual women are the "lesbians" having sex with penised "lesbians.")
Bar owner LaMora said this:
'We see a lot of people who identify in all different ways, and we'd love to help break down a barrier….'
Remove "barriers" to "healthcare"? Why stop at a vending machine, then? Why not just merge the bar with the abortion mill? Or, worse yet, fashion a one-stop shop for all your debaucherous indulgences? Like the temples and places of worship built for Jezebel and her pagan gods, so too can this lesbian bar be. Orgies and child sacrifice are, by any other name, "sexual freedom" and abortion.
For the left, hedonism is a virtue, and self-restraint and self-respect are vices.
Image: Public domain via Wikimedia.