Back-to-back CNN hires are former comms directors for both Biden and Harris
Expect the fake news to get a whole lot more fake—who even knew that was possible? See the repost (formerly tweet) below:
In less than a month, CNN has hired both the former Biden WH Comms Director, and Kamala Harris's former VP Comms Director.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 10, 2023
The people who were previously in charge of spinning slick public relations messages to clean up after disasters like Dementia Joe and Kamala “School Buses are Yellow” Harris made fools of themselves on camera, are now set to join the “most trusted name in news.”
In the midst of a terrible ratings crisis, who thought hiring two highly-partisan and seasoned spin doctors was a good idea? How in any way would retaining two publicists convey trustworthiness and credibility? CNN ought to adopt a new motto in honor of whichever executive made the call: the “most fumbling name in news.”
Outlet The Street published a network ratings report on Wednesday; I’ve included this blurb for a little background:
Ratings are reported weekly to measure the success and movement of the prime-time basic-cable-TV slots, known commonly as the Basic Cable Ranker. The past week's performance ranks the week of Monday, July 31.
The data? Well, per Nielsen, Fox News came in first place with 1.87 million average prime-time viewers, then MSNBC with 1.56 million, then far below that, with only 710,000 viewers, was little ol’ CNN; the network also failed to even break into one of the top ten slots when considering the “average breakdown by show.”
The relationship between “private” corporations and big government has long been known as a revolving door. It’s like the litany of FDA commissioners who somehow find gainful employment with Big Pharma once they leave their post as civil servant:
100% coincidence because correlation does not imply causation. Nothing to see here and there.
— Michael Bach (@mbnaturopath) August 9, 2023
The move for an “independent” network like CNN to hire the two prominent Biden-Harris mouthpieces is just one more reason to never trust anything it says—not like we did anyway!
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