An Oregon clinic claims victimhood after firing a cancer patient for insufficient LGBTQ respect.
Earlier this week, Libs of TikTok released copies of correspondence between a medical clinic in Oregon and one of its patients. The facts in the correspondence were simple: A breast cancer patient wrote that she was triggered by a large pink, white, and blue “transgender flag” behind the receptionist’s desk because she’d been terribly threatened by “transgender” activists. The clinic responded by banning the woman for disrespecting LGBTQ people. The clinic, having been outed for seemingly banning a patient for her beliefs, isn’t apologizing; instead, it’s playing the victim.
Here's the original tweet from Libs of TikTok:
A woman receiving cancer treatment at @OHSUNews was told she can no longer be a patient at the clinic after she sent a message criticizing a trans flag hanging prominently at the entrance.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 2, 2023
She told us that they requested she go for “re-education” and she refused.
A tweet from Marlene herself reveals that she is a very sick woman, scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy this month:
Ok-I was gonna try to get over this-but I am a liver transplant recipient with breast cancer facing double mastectomy at the end of August and now I have no primary care doctor.
— Lady Laughingloudley (@blah_blablather) August 1, 2023
A lawyer contacted me-i hesitated-
Nor more!
Would any lawyer out there help me?
Very scared. рџ’њрџ’љрџ¤Ќ
Here’s a transcript of the original message from the patient (Marlene) to the Richmond Family Medicine Clinic, a part of the Oregon Health & Science University in Portland (“where healing, teaching and discovery come together”):
I would like to speak with you directly—as I no longer trust that my communications are filtered in good faith by OHSU staff.
Additionally, I do not feel comfortable, as a gender critical woman, who believes gender to be a nonsense and sexed bodies to be a reality, I do not feel comfortable coming into Richmond with that enormous transgenderism banner hanging like a Nazi flag behind the reception desk.
Where is the Flag for women? For children?
I have been threatened on Twitter by transactivists with rape and death- so it is daunting to go for medical treatment with that banner proclaiming that what I am- an adult human female, (calling myself that now is hateful per OHSU) a woman, is a mere opt-in category for any gender nonconforming male and not a reality itself- This negate women completely.
And they are not asking.
Women are being told, once again, what we are and what we may be, is to be defined and limited by men who have some preferences they’d like enforce- Which includes bepenised males claiming every female right to privacy and protection from male pattern sexual violence.
XY male violence toward women is undimmed by any level of transition.
I happen to agree with everything Marlene said. And even if I were not someone who believes that so-called “transgenderism” is a big lie, I would wonder why the reception desk must have a massive transgender flag behind it. Has the clinic ever flown any other flag, such as the American flag? Does it have flags representing the “identity” of every other person who works for or walks into the clinic?
The clinic swiftly responded to Marlene’s concerns…by firing her. Here’s what it wrote to her in relevant part:
This letter is to inform you that effective immediately you are discharged from receiving medical care at the Richmond Family Medicine Clinic. This action is being taken because of ongoing disrespectful and hurtful remarks about our LGBTQ community and staff..
Please note that you are also now dismissed from all OHSU Family Medicine clinics, including Immediate Care.
Again, it appears from the correspondence that this clinic just fired a cancer patient for refusing to get on board with its transgender-philia. She was fired for her ideological beliefs.
If one accepts the above facts as the entire story, the clinic should be groveling, insisting that it was all a mistake, and promising to fire the hapless employee who sent out that message on management’s order. That, however, is not what’s happening.
Instead, the clinic seems to be angry that it was caught in the act. Thus, it sent a defensive internal email to its staff (an email that, interestingly, ended up in the hands of the Post Millennial, a conservative outlet). That email states in relevant part:
This week, there has been media and social media activity regarding a person who says they were dismissed from OHSU’s Richmond Clinic for disrespectful and harmful behavior. This person shared on social media and it was picked up by an account that calls itself 'Libs of Tik Tok.' While we cannot comment upon a patient’s status without their authorization, please know that our policies reflect our belief that our caring staff deserves respect from patients and visitors as they work tirelessly to provide care to other, and we will take measures to guard against harassing behavior, even when it means making the difficult decision to dismiss a patient. As you know, we are further evaluating security measures and options to keep you safe as well.
Translation: How dare Libs of TikTok make our behavior public?
Do you how Hillary Clinton used a “Love trumps hate” slogan in 2016, a little bit of wordplay with Trump’s name based on the false charge that Trump, who supported gay marriage and famously got awards from the black community, was a “hater” regarding race and LGBTQ-ism?
It turns out, though, that love does not actually trump hate. If it did, there would be charity toward a sick, frightened woman. In Israel, where love really does trump hate, Israeli doctors routinely treat the Palestinians who want to kill them.
Here in America, hate is the left’s defining feature—and after all, if Marlene’s cancer care program collapses and she doesn’t get the double mastectomy she needs to survive, there’s more room in the operating theater for some 16-year-old girl to have her healthy breasts removed.
Image: Love trumps hate sign (edited) by Tim Pierce. CC BY 2.0.