America First saboteur Sally Yates says ‘the people’ deserve to know the ‘truth’ … according to Jack Smith

What is it about Atlanta that produces such inept and unscrupulous attorneys?

I thought lawyers were supposed to be a couple of steps ahead? Aren’t they taught to never ask a question to which they don’t already know the answer? Conversely, couldn’t that also be applied to suggestions to which they can’t reasonably predict an outcome?

Aren’t they warned against setting certain snares, because they can backfire … badly? (Open the door, and you might get more than you bargained for.)

Sally Yates is a Georgia-based attorney, an appointee of Barack Obama, and was fired by President Trump in 2017 when she undermined his orders to defend his executive order banning citizens from terrorist hotbeds from entering the country. Last week, Yates said that the “people” deserve to hear the “evidence” that Jack Smith has against Donald Trump … before the election. Yates’s words, as reported by CNN:

‘The people of this country have a right to hear that evidence and to know the truth before they cast their vote and to do everything reasonably possible to be able to accomplish that[.]’

Oh really now?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall Yates saying that when Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” hit headlines, and in fact, a mafia of former intelligence agents came together to discredit what actually turned out to be true … which “the people” didn’t learn until after the election.

Nor do I remember her saying it when the contents of Ashley Biden’s alleged diary were made known, a private journal which accused Joe of “inappropriate” showers; left-wing media outlets have now acknowledged its authenticity, again … after the election.

What about current “evidence” against the Joe Biden crime family? Would Yates maintain that sentiment, that “the people” are entitled to see and hear evidence of serious crimes like financial corruption and treason of the highest order … before the election?

Notice how Yates doesn’t say the “voters” or the “electorate” when talking about the “people” headed to the ballot box; legalese, or Freudian slip?

I’d also like to point out what seems to be a second Freudian slip. Donald Trump isn’t even the Republican nominee, but she talks like he is; sounds like a subconscious admission that all the other primary challengers have absolutely no legitimate chance if you were to ask me.

Now, didn’t Yates ever hear the expression, “Curiosity killed the cat”?

Hasn’t Yates ever heard the tale of Pandora’s Box? Troubles and woes once released, don’t go back in.

Didn’t she ever read Aesop’s “The Old Man and Death” fable? “Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true.”

I have a feeling that if Ms. Yates gets what she wants, it might just open a massive, stinky, can of worms, not for Trump … but for the left.

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