A leftist just admitted to what President Trump has been saying all along
The political persecution of President Trump is just the beginning; the fascist far left wants to go after anyone who speaks out against them.
For years, President Trump has said “They are after you, I’m just in the way” and Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) recently confirmed that by saying the quiet part out loud. On an MSNBC segment, Crockett said that Republicans defending Trump:
…are really getting dangerously close, in my opinion, to criminal culpability in and of themselves, as well….
In essence, the most recent political persecution of President Trump is for the “crime” of speaking out against the irregularities of the 2020 election, a tried-and-true tradition of the far left whenever they lose an election.
Call it the Stacey Abrams Syndrome of just about any other Democrat the past few years documented in videos of leftists complaining about elections. Such as these 24 STRAIGHT MINUTES of Democrats denying election results. The key difference here is that President Trump is on the wrong side of the Department of (in)Justice, just like the rest of us.
So, the larger question becomes, why did Crockett make the veiled threat? We could be “getting dangerously close… to criminal culpability” for defending Trump and defending free speech?
Well, it should be easy to follow the “progression” for want of a better word. You can see in going after President Trump, it’s not just to distract from the antics of the Biden crime family. It’s far more sinister than that. It goes to what the left has become and how it has to defend its actions. It’s a similar pattern in a story highlighted on Glenn Beck today, outlined here:
Investigative journalist Steve Baker is one of only 5 journalists with access to the full 41,000 hours of January 6 tapes. But as he was working on a story with Blaze Media to expose his findings, lo and behold, a grand jury subpoenaed his own tapes filmed inside the Capitol during the riot (which he was documenting as a journalist).
For the video, see below:
This is another case of the suppression of free speech, because Baker is getting “dangerously close” to exposing another lie from the far left—and that is another data point that tells us all we need to know.
This starts with the fact that the fascist far left has grown all too dependent on deception and lies these days. Everything from distracting from the disaster that is the U.S. economy to the fact that everything they do seems to stem from the singular purpose of destroying the country as founded.
Everywhere you look, they are piling on the bovine soil enhancement with nary a sense of guilt. They’ve been able to get away with this, because the national socialist media works in lockstep with them.
Take for example this piece from the Washington Post that should make even leftists raise a few eyebrows: ”The US Economy Is Great. Stop Worrying About It.” The lede read, “Is it possible for economic news to be a little too good?”
They aren’t alone in this propaganda effort either.
Those are just two examples, but plenty more are belched forth from the B.S. media on an hourly basis. The point is that the media has become a modern version of Völkischer Beobachter (German: “People’s Observer”) or Pravda, ( Russian: “Truth”).
Thus, the far left can lie with abandon, knowing that they have their propaganda organizations from ABC to NPR to back them up no matter what they say. They have no limitations on their lies because not enough people in their media organizations are willing to stand up, to tell the truth.
This is completely at odds with the purpose of the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment, and freedom of the press in particular—these were meant to restrain the government, not empower it. Thus, it redounds to the people to hold them accountable.
The problem is, authoritarian leftists aren’t going to want a president to do this, much less an investigative journalist or even ordinary citizens, hence we see the implicit threat from the Democrat from Texas. Start investigating people for process crimes, and it has a chilling effect on freedom.
This is how President Trump is correct in saying “They are after you, I’m just in the way,” but it’s time we stood up to the extreme leftists who are turning into Nazis without the uniform. You do this by always pointing out the truth and demolishing leftist lies. You do this by using the correct words to describe them, “leftist” instead of the false moniker “liberal.” You do this by standing for the Bill of Rights, all of them. And you do this by not letting them intimidate you for merely exercising your rights under the First Amendment.
D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.
Image: YouTube video screen grab.