When it comes to supporting Biden, ‘denial ain’t just a river in Egypt’
Gen Z applies to those young Americans born between the mid-to-late 1990s and the early 2000s. In other words, they’re 20-somethings. They are the generation that believes in a lot of things that are emphatically false. It turns out that their approach to politics is also heavily invested in fantasy. Nothing demonstrates that more perfectly than a couple of tweets from a Gen Z Democrat with almost 160,000 followers on “X” and over 700,000 followers on TikTok.
When it comes to Gen Z kids, they believe a lot of things that are false. Without any regard for actual American history, they believe that America was built upon slavery, that the American Revolution was fought to preserve slavery, that the modern American economy (when it’s good) is owed entirely to slavery, and that America is the most racist nation on earth.
Without any regard for science, and in the face of hundreds of failed predictions, they’re convinced that humans are responsible for current “global boiling,” even though we’re actually going through a cooling trend driven by the sun.
They believe that socialism can be done right. To that end, they believe America’s liberties, such as freedom of speech and the right to bear arms, are dangerous and that the ultimate in safety and security comes from a government that controls every aspect of your life…except, perhaps, your sex life. Showing them examples of socialism in action (e.g., German and Italian fascism; Soviet communism) leaves them unmoved. Like a stroke victim who no longer believes he has a left leg, these young ‘uns completely discount history.
Image: Twitter screen grab.
And of course, when it comes to delusional beliefs amongst Gen Z, the most delusional of all is that gender is a social construct. From this, they conclude that it’s perfectly reasonable to deny your biological gender and insist, instead, that you are one of several hundred other genders (all of which, of course, revolve around the binary of male and female). In service to this delusion, they believe that castrating men and giving women mastectomies and hysterectomies, along with all sorts of phalloplasty and vaginoplasty cosmetic surgery, will create a new gender reality.
This primitivism—that is, magical thinking driven by ideology, not facts—turns out to drive politics, too. And that brings me to a young man named Harry J. Sisson.
I’d never heard of Sisson, but that’s because I don’t do TikTok. It turns out that he’s a huge TikTok star with over 700,000 followers (and, as noted, over 160,000 Twitter followers). He’s also about 20 years old.
Sisson offers his followers news analysis and words of political wisdom from a youthful Democrat perspective. As just one example, he wants everyone to know that Donald Trump, having pointed out that mail-in balloting is a one-way ticket to fraud, has changed his mind. As a side note, that’s probably because of the “coincidence” that voting machines broke in Maricopa, AZ, a heavily Republican district, last November.
Sisson’s whole argument is that Trump is a hypocrite for daring to play the game the way Democrats do. Sophisticated analysis this is not, which may explain Sisson’s enormous number of followers.
It's clear that Sisson loathes Trump and Republicans and is equally passionate about Biden and Democrats. How passionate? This passionate:
Backwards hat, aviators, and relaxation. Joe Biden is pretty cool. pic.twitter.com/JIS3ZmCkdq
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) July 30, 2023
“Cool”? Even if I liked Biden, that wouldn’t be the adjective that springs to mind. I might say that you have to admire a guy in his 80s who isn’t embarrassed to walk around partially clothed at the beach, but cool? No. Nor does Sisson, who I’m viewing as an avatar of young political activists, love only Biden’s body. He’s also in love with Biden’s moral standing:
In 2024, we can either have Joe Biden, a man who respects the rule of law, has no felony charges, doesn’t interfere in investigations, cares about the independence of our legal agencies and respects law enforcement.
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) July 30, 2023
OR we can have Donald Trump, who doesn’t respect the rule of… pic.twitter.com/sH4oBFsYZQ
And then there’s his boundless appreciation for Biden’s love for every American:
Every day, I’m proud to have Joe Biden as my president. He cares about all Americans, not just the ones who voted for him or agree with him.
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) July 29, 2023
That’s true leadership рџ‡єрџ‡ё pic.twitter.com/LM7xF9yE1h
That reminds me strongly of Chinese propaganda about Mao, something I remember and I’m sure Sisson doesn’t know. In any event, that purported care for all Americans is a circle that doesn’t square with Biden’s demagogic attack on Trump supporters during his national unity speech:
God I know of all the cliches, but CNN would be cleaning graphite off the roof if Trump appeared with these optics. https://t.co/bu5qGXuVg3
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 2, 2022
Standing in front of a hellish red background Biden called half the country, the MAGA Republicans "threats" & "clear and present dangers"
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) September 2, 2022
Then he says, “empathy is the fuel of democracy-the willingness to see each other not as enemies but as fellow Americans…”!!!
Sisson saw that speech a bit differently:
So thankful for President Bidenрџ’™рџ‡єрџ‡ё pic.twitter.com/qMRxTQCcqx
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) September 2, 2022
That was one of President Biden’s best speeches ever.
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) September 2, 2022
The tweets are funny because they bear almost no relationship to reality, but they are a reminder that we live in a post-modernism era. There is no truth. There are no facts. There is only the narrative and what people need to believe to achieve their goals or affirm their identities. And when you’re a 20-something raised in 21st-century America, you can and will believe anything…except, perhaps, the truth.