Pope holds a private audience with Alex Soros and Bill Clinton
Pope Francis seems determined to top himself these days.
As if greeting the "Piss Christ" artist wasn't sufficiently disgusting, now he's held a private audience with corrupt, pervy Bill Clinton and global abortion moneybags Alex Soros.
According to the National Catholic Register:
Pope Francis met with former U.S. President Bill Clinton in a private audience at the Casa Santa Marta papal residence on Wednesday. Clinton’s delegation included several prominent Americans, including Alex Soros of the Open Society Foundations.
Clinton, who now focuses his efforts on philanthropy and public affairs, had visited Albania July 3-4 and received from the Albanian prime minister a public-gratitude medal for his support of Albania and for NATO's intervention in the Kosovo War, the news site Euractiv reports.
Soros, son of the billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros, accompanied Clinton in both Albania and at the Vatican. Soros is the new chairman of the Open Society Foundations, a philanthropic giant that his father founded.
Here's the video the Vatican released, showing Clinton and the pope, both in an animated mood, exchanging gifts.
Pope Francis met Wednesday with former US President Bill Clinton, along with a delegation, at the Pope's residence at the Casa Santa Marta. pic.twitter.com/jMOSfP0RuN
— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) July 5, 2023
Now, I'm not one to say that the pope shouldn't meet with sinners, given that we all fall into that category.
But these aren't ordinary sinners, coming for absolution, so far as we know. Clinton is famous for using the Catholic Church for his own selfish political power advantage, as has been House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who also got herself a papal meeting at a politically convenient time.
It's the same with Clinton. Don't forget that crummy occasion back in 1998 when Clinton hopped up and took Communion, which only actual Catholics are supposed to take, so as to use the image of that in a political campaign. Church rules? Bill Clinton didn't care about Church rules, the Church was his political plaything. He went all out to obtain Catholic votes as Mr. Boy Scout at the Communion rail, and helped himself.
Oh, but the pope himself has also stated that he wants Church shepherds to smell like the sheep, which is to say, to be accessible and recognizable to people. He always has favored simplicity and humility.
But that's sad stuff, too. These creeps aren't "the sheep." Actually, they're the wolves -- Clinton is a corrupt pervert whose friendship with Jeffrey Epstein led to many visits to his pedophile island, while his Clinton Foundation was a pay-to-play operation. Maybe the pope should have sat that guy out.
Soros is even more appalling, a bona fide hedge fund speculator and atheist reviled throughout the world for his electoral meddling and color revolutions, as well as a firm promoter and bankroller of abortion worldwide, particularly in areas where abortion is frowned upon. Can't get more anti-Catholic than that agent of chaos.
The pope is sending a lousy message to the faithful and everyone else in publicly greeting this pair and their entourage, which included Clinton's hedge fund speculator son-in-law Mark Mezvinsky, at whose wedding Epstein's partner-in-crime, Ghislaine Maxwell, was one of the few invited guests. When there's someone the pope wants to meet but also knows is a pariah, he typically doesn't release public photos the way he did with these two.
That's why this meeting was so puzzling.
The pope probably has to meet a lot of lousy people as part of his job, and we have to give him a "discount" for not knowing the skeevy extent of Democrat politics, but why is it he only meets these kinds of lousy people on the far left? Is this the best he can do? Does he ever meet with people on the right? Or are they non-people? He has met with Elon Musk who's a political independent and sort of on the right, whose importance as a self-made billionaire and the richest man on earth probably makes him a person of interest. But does he ever meet with the guys who are really from the other side, or is it just leftists? How about a meeting with the free market economists from the Heartland Institute who were excluded from a Vatican conference of anti-Catholic leftists which featured lunatic leftist Naomi Klein? To reiterate -- that group not only didn't get a place at the table, they got the door slammed shut in their faces.
It makes one think a lot of skeevy things are going on at the Vatican given that some voices are given private audiences, and others are shut out.
Roll around with the wolves, come out from it with the smell of the wolves.
Image: Twitter screen shot