IRS whistleblowers testify before House committee, and Dems crumble amid the chaos

Karine Jean-Pierre has a bad (and distinct) habit of devolving into fits of unpreparedness when cornered and under pressure; is her foible becoming a Democrat archetype? You might think so, if you watched a hearing yesterday on Capitol Hill which saw two IRS whistleblowers testify before the Committee on Oversight and Accountability—but given that (as far as I can tell) only two networks aired the proceedings live, you probably missed it.

An odd choice for an “honest press” some might say, since one of the whistleblowers revealed his identity for the first time, (which you’d think would be a newsworthy announcement), and the charges allege unprecedented conspiracies and corruption at the highest levels of the American government.

Fox News reported that both CNN and MSNBC declined to cover the hearing; ironically, CNN still retains the “most trusted name in news” slogan. The Washington Post, with its “democracy dies in darkness” trademark, trivialized its coverage with a headline about MTG, and this was too much for Eli Lake, who tweeted this:

Weeks back, two whistleblowers emerged to shine a light on what journalist Matt Vespa describes as “improper interference from the Biden administration regarding IRS investigations into Hunter Biden.” We’ve known the identity of Special Agent Gary Shapley, but “Mr. X” has been unknown…until now. He is Joseph Ziegler, a 13-year veteran of the IRS, and a gay Democrat. Read some of his most poignant words below, via Townhall:

I have witnessed the corrosion of ethical standards and the abuse of power that threaten our nation. It is within this context that I have chosen to shed light on these actions and expose those responsible. I recognize that while I was present at the start of this investigation and was closely involved with the investigation for roughly five years – that I’m just a part of the story.

My own agency retaliated against me and threatened me with criminal conduct in response to an internal email I sent to IRS leadership…. It is not my desire to become a martyr for this case — and I fear effectively ending my career.

Since October of 2022, the Delaware AUSAs and DOJ-Tax had effectively stopped communicating with me and my team has ultimately been removed from the investigative team. 

I was raised and have always strived to do what is right. I have heard from some, that I am a trator [sic] to the democratic party and that I am causing more division in our society. I implore you, that if you were put in my position with the facts as I have stated them, that you would be doing the exact same thing – regardless of your political party affiliation. I hope that I am an example to other LGBTQ people out there, who are questioning doing the right thing at a potential cost to themselves and others. We should ALWAYS do the right thing, no matter how painful the process might be. I contemplated scenarios that would have been highly regrettable. But I did what was right and I am sitting in front of you here today.

(During his testimony, Ziegler rightly noted that his credibility does not come from his “sexual orientation” or his “political beliefs”—but it does illustrate that he’s far less likely to allow his personal opinions to influence his professional conduct.)

An honest Democrat is a rarity, but Ziegler isn’t the only one. Jonathan Turley, a self-identified Hillary Clinton voter, said this of the unfolding scenes:

Turley followed that up with this poignant observation:

...The Democrats are usually well prepared and orchestrated in these hearings. That is not the case today. The continual effort to change the subject and to avoid the specific allegations is obvious. It is about a[s] subtle as bringing in a seal bouncing a ball in hearing room.

If the entire situation weren’t so utterly despicable, Democrat Ro Khanna’s response to Mr. Shapley’s deposition was so absurd, it would actually be comical:

As Turley said, “This is getting a bit weird.” The best comeback you can muster is to denigrate a government investigator for being a “stickler for the law”? Don’t get me wrong, the entire IRS has no right to exist and ought to be abolished, and Mr. Shapley should have to find employment elsewhere, but if you’re going to hold the little people to the tax laws, then it’s only fair that everyone is held to the same standard. Something about equal treatment before the law, and blind justice comes to mind...

Turley also hilariously highlighted an embarrassing display by New York Democrat Dan Goldman. From New York Post:

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) often goes where wiser members fear to tread. 

On this occasion, Goldman may have delivered one of the most damaging moments for the Democrats.  

He raised the shocking WhatsApp message that Hunter had allegedly sent to a Chinese official with foreign intelligence contacts.

Goldman pressed veteran IRS investigator Gary Shapley about his suggestion that Joe Biden discussed the foreign dealing with his son.

Shapley eagerly said he would be happy to explain, but Goldman cut him off and said he did not have time for such explanations.

At this point, most lawyers would have reversed engines out of troubled waters, but Goldman plowed full speed ahead.

The allegations made by both Mr. Shapley and Mr. Ziegler are of course, not all that shocking when you consider reality. Since when do expanding governments juxtaposed with morally-declining people equal more justice, freedom, and righteousness? Hint: Never.

Democrats, what’s it like to have a legitimate propaganda machine like the mainstream media to faithfully disseminate disinformation and mold public opinion through censorship of sordid realities? Let’s play a quick game called “Who said it: Joseph Goebbels or the Democrats?”

“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.”

Answer? Goebbels.

How about this? “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” Answer: Goebbels, again.

When one would be hard-pressed to isolate a difference between establishment Democrats and arguably the most notorious and diabolical propagandist of the 20th century, that’s a sign that you might be the bad guy.

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