In Michigan, prepping the groundwork for stealing the 2024 election

In some banana republic–like maneuvers against dissidents ahead of election time, the State of Michigan has charged 16 Republican state electors with multiple felonies for allegedly attempting to "overturn" the results of the 2020 election.

Their crime?  Reacting to the obvious fraud that happened right before their eyes in that hotly disputed election.

But that's not how the Michigan attorney general playing her own version of Vyshinsky put it.

According to J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades:

In Michigan, two of the people who have the most to say about vote-counting are the governor and the attorney general. At the time it was Gretchen "Wretched" Whitmer and Dana Nessel. They're still there. And by all indications they are champing at the bit to deliver Michigan on a platter to the Democrat nominee.

Sefton cited this news item:

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel filed felony charges against 16 Michigan Republicans who allegedly tried to overturn the state's 2020 election in favor of President Donald Trump.

Each defendant faces the following charges:

  • One count of Conspiracy to Commit Forgery, a 14-year felony,
  • Two counts of Forgery, a 14-year felony,
  • One count of Conspiracy to Commit Uttering and Publishing, a 14-year felony,
  • One count of Uttering and Publishing, a 14-year felony,
  • One count of Conspiracy to Commit Election Law Forgery, a 5-year felony, and,
  • Two counts of Election Law Forgery, a 5-year felony.

Nessel claimed the 16 Republicans tried to "interfere in the 2020 election to reject the will of the voters. 

This is highly strange stuff, given that this kind of prosecution for protesting the way an election was conducted has never been done, and what's worse, this kind of protest itself is nothing new, as Democrats have done it with alacrity, most notably in 2016.  Sefton notes that Michigan had several instances of profoundly suspect activity in its electoral apparat in 2020, as seen in its illegal casting out of election observers from the counting, something even famous electoral fraudster Hugo Chávez didn't do, and blocking observation from windows by covering them up with cardboard pizza boxes.  Anyone doing that obviously has something going on that he doesn't want electoral observers seeing.  Sefton also notes suspect truck activity on video suggesting ballot fraud. 

Anyone questioning that and the extraordinary circumstances seen in this Michigan election, and having the temerity to complain about it, now faces 29 years in prison.  That's serious third-world, or even Soviet-style repression of free speech.  What exactly are electors expected to do when they see widespread fraud?  Based on Michigan Vyshynsky, they're supposed to bow down and assert what they know to be untrue, the way Stalin did to keep his sycophants in line.

And what's remarkable is that it's being done three years after their side "won" the 2020 election.  You'd think they'd have more serious priorities, given that whatever the Republican electors did, it didn't matter as far as the results went.

But Sefton explained what the game was in that belated move on dissenters:

[Michigan attorney-general] Dana Nessel is a filthy criminal apparatchik wearing the moldering skin-suit of law and order, parading around and demanding respect. Three years later, this move serves three purposes: destroy decent people who are her political enemies and warn anyone else who dares defy her and ... lay the groundwork to steal the 2024 election for the Democrat nominee.

Hear that?  Anyone questioning whatever it is the Democrats plan to do to steal the election in 2024 is now put on notice — question the election, and face economic ruin through legal bills if not long terms in prison.

This is not what free societies do.  This is what tyrannies built on beds of lies do — first the lies, then the violence, with the violence supporting the lies, and the lies supporting the violence.  That was how Alexander Solzhenitsyn once explained it, and suddenly we are seeing that happening in Michigan.

That tells us a lot about what they are up to as 2024 approaches.  Anyone valuing an honest election must keep an extremely vigilant eye on Michigan and well before 2024.

Image: SecretName101 via Wikimedia Commons (cropped), CC BY-SA 4.0.

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