Hispanic, Black, and Asian-American cops come out en masse to greet Trump at LAX

A common trope on the left is that the great crowds President Trump attracts are "all white."  Sometimes they are — in places like Iowa and Vermont, where there is no significant minority population in the first place.

Here's a typical leftist:

But now let's look at the crowds coming to greet President Trump in Los Angeles, where whites are not in the majority:

Some screen shots:

It's probably not super-surprising that law enforcement supports President Trump, although there are definitely left-wing cops out there.  What is interesting is that the cops in this crowd are huge majority-minority, and what's more, they are young, vital, and in their prime working years, not the fat donut-eating desk jockeys of police lore.

As I noted earlier — the LAPD, to mention but one well represented group in this crowd, is about 30% white.  Does that crowd look 30% white?

It's also about 48% Hispanic; 10% black; and 10% Asian, including Filipino.  Those numbers are pretty obvious in that crowd. 

You can count the whites in that picture on one hand.

This tells us a lot about where President Trump's support is in Los Angeles, which syncs exactly with recent polling about the collapse of Latino and Asian and even African-American support for Democrats.  That's the future, pals.

Let's see the scolding racial bean-counters on the left explain that one.

Hat tip: GatewayPundit.

Image: Twitter screen shot.

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