Glutton for punishment: Nikole Hannah-Jones tweets out her loathing for the 4th

The author of the much-debunked "1619 Project," Nikole Hannah-Jones, seems to be a glutton for punishment on Twitter.

Rather than slink away from her pathetic, largely invented, and completely distorted history of America's founding gone stale, she's used the occasion of Independence Day to double down.

It didn't go well for her.

The 1619 Project was commissioned by the New York Times magazine in 2019, bearing Hannah-Jones's pet claim that the U.S. was founded in 1776 on the preservation and perpetuation of slavery.

Anyone who reads a real history book knows how valid that one is.

That is why Hannah-Jones got scored six ways to Sunday by all or virtually all who posted on her Twitter claim, still beating on that dead horse.

The replies can be read below the tweet itself, but here are a few curations:

Cool story. Now do the history of black people owning slaves in this country. Now do South America’s history of enslaving people. Now do the countries of Africa and their history of enslaving people. Now do the world’s history of enslaving people.


In the 18th century America created the blueprint for the modern world. In the 19th America fought a war to end slavery. Then America saved the world in the 20th and went on and created the 21st. America is the greatest country to ever exist. We all just got lucky to be born here.


Nope. Your false attempts to change the narrative are going in the trash where they belong. Happy Fourth, non-historian!


We all know it. We learned it in grammar school. And we also learned how we overcame all of this through the civil war, multiple amendments to our Constitution, and decades battles to ensure civil rights for all. And we have truly achieved equality for all under the law.


This tendency is becoming like the Easter tradition of declaring “Jesus was actually a brown middle-easterner. Suck it, white bigots.” It’s not news and has nothing to do with why the holiday is celebrated.


Crybaby. The past is ugly in many ways, but some white men in the 18th Century got together and produced a document that would eventually open up freedom and equality for everyone and to this day our nation still strives to improve.


It’s a little pathetic to whine about slavery in the U.S. that 158 years ago while taking no action to deal with slavery that exists today.


She can’t make any money off of that.


Why do you hate America and Americans?

She bit back after a few of the earlier criticisms, such as this one:

All credible historians have said the 1619 project is a rewriting of history.


Well, since historians rewrite history as a profession — literally what historians do — I'd love you to show me all the historians who said that.

...and this one...

Blame the enslavement on British colonial policies.

In his initial draft of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson blamed the presence of enslaved Africans in North America on avaricious British colonial policies.


And tell me why that passage didn't make it into the actual Declaration. I'll wait.

...and this one:

I’m not really curious to read the book because it seems like we learned all this in school already. Does keeping this knowledge on the top of our mind make some difference in our daily lives?


Learned all of what? Also, that we have little use of remembering this past today is such a strange argument to make about the annual commemoration of an event that happened 247 years ago.

...but persuaded no one and just drew more scorings.

She eventually gave up, given that her obnoxious and ignorant tweet drew more than 2,000 negative responses, some of which were just cuss words.

But not quite.  She wrapped up her 4th of July sentiment with this separate tweet to someone calling himself "Sentient Ham Sandwich," which only brought her more scorings, ever blithely secure in the panglossian certainties of the establishment:

The whole ratio-ing seems to be congruent with the times, where wokesterly corporations have seen a tremendous public outcry against their overt leftwingery, while the Supreme Court just struck down affirmative action in college admissions as contrary to the spirit of the Constitution.

Now this for the very goddess of wokedom — signaling that she's a tad behind the times.

It's all part of the wokester apocalypse, going on across the country.  Stay tuned for more.

Image: Twitter screen shot.

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