CNN anchor asks the wrong question and gets hit with the truth about Joe Biden

CNN’s Sara Sidner had Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) on to talk about the House’s UFOs hearings. Then, she asked him for his take on Hunter Biden’s and the DOJ’s failed plea deal. To her manifest horror, Rep. Burchett refused to accept her claim that there was no evidence that Joe Biden was involved. This is wonderful because it’s high time Americans became conversant with what’s really going on.

Just so people would know why she was asking her question about Hunter’s plea deal, Sidner boasted, “I do have to ask you because I’m a journalist.” Burchett spoke slightingly about the DOJ, but not in a very inflammatory or interesting way. If Sidner had stopped there, all would have been well for CNN, but she didn’t. Instead, she asked another question: “Would you vote for an impeachment as a lot of folks are talking about in the GOP when it comes to Joe Biden?”

Burchett unequivocally answered “yes”:

From the evidence I’ve seen, I would. Ma’am, you’re talking $10 million from Burisma. You’ve got money coming from China and we’re not. And they’re there’s no evidence of anyone even paying any taxes on this money, and it’s going.

Sider realized she’d gone too far and tried to recover, insisting there’s no connection between Hunter's acts and Joe Biden:

There's no evidence that we have all seen that has been shown to the public, that has been put forward from the Congress, from the GOP, that there are ties, very clear ties between Hunter Biden's business dealings and Joe Biden. Correct?

Burchett pushed back. “The FBI's own informant was the one that that notified us of some of the most damning information,” he said. Burchett was speaking of the FBI’s in-house form detailing that their informant met with a Burisma executive who spoke openly about paying off “stupid” Hunter Biden to gain access to Joe Biden.

Image: YouTube screen grab.

Moreover, said Burchett, the massive amount of money flowing into the bank accounts of Biden’s relatives, meant something. It was nothing like what happened with Trump, who “was selling tough steaks and crappy ties.” Here, though, “What is Hunter Biden selling? Nothing but influence.”

A desperate Sider offered the weakest defense known to mankind:

But couldn’t he be selling that influence, sir, couldn’t he be selling that influence, sir, if that is the case, without his dad knowing? In other words, selling it using the name without…you know what mean?

In other words, she asked, wasn’t it possible that Hunter was defrauding government-connected people in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere by promising that he’d have his father, then the vice president, work to alter American policy for their benefit, even though his father knew nothing of Hunter’s actions? To ask the question is to expose how ridiculous it is.

Burchett responded by pointing to the fact that Biden essentially admitted that he was involved when he “changed his story once again…” What Burchett was referring to is the fact that beginning on the 2020 campaign trail, Biden insisted that he never spoke about business with his son. Now, though, Biden’s flacks are saying that he was “never in business with his son.”

It would be nice if Burchett had expanded on that point, but he had another important issue to raise, which was the media’s studied disinterest in Joe’s possibly being on the take. Thus, he spoke about the media’s incredible double standards with the information now available, noting that “tens of millions of dollars” flowed to the Bidens. He concluded, “let’s be honest—if they’d have paid that money to the Trumps… you'd be asking, where's the quid pro quo?”

Sider wasn’t ready to give up:

Look, nothing has been made public yet that shows us all of this. When and if it is, we will get back to you, we’d love to talk to you if you have the evidence to show but at this point, we haven’t seen, the public hasn’t seen any of this hard evidence that has been brought up by members of Congress.

Burchett swatted aside this blatant misrepresentation. He spoke of Hunter’s well-documented multimillion-dollar haul from Burisma, and again reminded Sidner of the FBI informant.

Sidner countered that “it has to be proven.” Burchett, however, nailed his reply by again reminding her of the media’s double standards, given that they had gone to town with the unproven, unsourced Trump dossier:

It was all hearsay and now here you’ve got an FBI informant, an official document showing that So, you know, we can sit here and argue about it, and I get it. You're, you know, your you've got your base. I've got mine. But I've seen the documents.

Showing a comic side that would have made Bob Hope proud, Sider bounced back with a risible claim. ‘I don’t have a base,” she insisted. “I’m a journalist.”

In 1974, Watergate dominated the news as the media obsessed about an American president engaging in corrupt activity. In 1998, because sex sells, the media blared the Lewinsky scandal. And as Rep. Burchett asserted, the media attacked Trump non-stop based on the faked Steele dossier. For Biden, though, the media play dumb.

America’s on a downward trajectory in part because Americans are apathetic, an apathy based on ignorance. While parents are becoming enraged about the transgenderism agenda being forced on their children, those without children, even as they insist they know the media are dishonest, nevertheless accept what the media say. Something needs to red pill them, and perhaps Sidner’s inadvertent foray into the truth will help.

Hat tip: Red State

Correction: Rep. Tim Burchett's party corrected to Republican

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