Tenured academic signals his belief in the sex binary, gets accused of 'serious misconduct'
Kind of like the “driving while Black” quip, but instead, “conservative while gay.”
David Richardson, a tenured professor at Madera Community College, is a “self-described gay conservative” and he’s in the midst of a heated battle with California leftists, all because he refuses to bow to “LGBTQIA2S” propaganda — and yes, that’s actually the currently accepted acronym for the “gender” spectrum.
(If you’re wondering, this latest composition stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit” — the plus sign is for good measure, ready for the alphabet mafia to update anew. Funny enough, as I type this in Google Docs, the term still does raise the “spell check” flag.)
Reported by Greg Piper at Just the News:
The State Center Community College District informed the 33-year veteran he was on paid administrative leave pending an investigation into unspecified allegations of creating a ‘hostile work environment’ and harassing and discriminating against colleagues ‘based on gender.’
So what did Richardson do that warranted administrative leave and an investigation?
Well, he’s an objective realist, and incorrigibly so! The gall. (Actually, it’s worth noting, this is investigation number two.)
A few weeks back at the college’s open house for its academic programs, Richardson manned the history table, and decided to include some leftover chocolate bars in the “goodies” he reliably doles out — but these weren’t just any ol’ goody, they were Jeremy’s Chocolates.
So what in the world was the big deal? You might remember a few months back, Hershey’s Chocolate selected a man in drag to be the face of the campaign for International Women’s Day. Understandably so, women everywhere were outraged, and in response, the Daily Wire launched their own brand of chocolate in cooperation with Jeremy Boering, and named the product “Jeremy’s Chocolates” — so these are “conservative” chocolates, but the joke on the wrappers are what’s causing such an issue.
Plain chocolate? The wrapper reads, “SheHer” and “nutless”. Chocolate with nuts? Well, obviously not hard to guess if you understand the most basic biological realities: “HeHim” and…“nuts”.
According to Professor Richardson, a college fair staffer “started taking pictures” and “kept trying to bait [him]” but ultimately the professor exercised restraint; then, this past Monday night, a “uniformed police officer” showed up on Richardson’s doorstep to deliver a letter from the college informing him he was on administrative leave pending the outcome of an open investigation.
Per Richardson, using “preferred pronoun” creates an “irrational perception of reality” and doesn't agree with an agenda that would “frustrate communication for ideological reasons” — this shouldn’t be controversial.
The very purpose of language is effective and unambiguous communication — that’s it, nothing more and nothing less. It should not be used as a tool for “equity” or propagandistic pursuits, and it should not need be sanitized for the intellectually nascent or fragile folk.
Seems like someone needs to give these lefties a refresher on the account of the Tower of Babel (but make sure it’s an abridged version!); anyone know where we can find a history professor perhaps?
Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.