‘Trans’ blob of adipose tissue dispatches a ‘call to arms’ and refers to himself as a ‘wild animal’ ready to unleash violence

Think you have a right to “protect” children from ugly, middle-aged male transvestites colonizing the ladies restroom for all their stinky bathroom needs and repulsive habits? And yes, “protect” was sarcastically enclosed in air quotes. Well, think again, because in my opinion, according to one vulgar TikTok beast, you don’t, and he’s going to bring the firepower to ensure he gets his way. Watch the video below:

Typically we refer to these sorts of people as “predators.”

(Now, it should go without saying, but men who routinely insert frozen tubes of tomato paste up their rear ends to “mimic” menstrual cycles are indescribably troubled, and have absolutely no business being anywhere near a precious child of either sex.)

Obesity, a very apparent hormonal imbalance, “trans” delusions, and explicit calls for violence, especially in light of recent tragedies and near-misses, should scream of a serious health crisis — but thanks to a world and culture polluted by leftist amorality, they don’t.

So, let me get this straight: this man “dares” someone to “protect” the innocence of children as if that’s a trivial thing, and prohibiting biological men from stampeding into private female spaces will be “the last mistake” someone “ever make[s]” because he’s getting a gun, and he won’t be afraid to use it — in fact, he’d rather use it than “live and not have anything done.” Ergo, he hates the purity and preciousness of a child, and will resort to blood-spilling to get his political way; no doubt about it, he’s a leftist alright!

On another note, there was a subtle yet profound reality present in this man’s words though; read below: 

You need to arm up, plain and simple. Go out, buy a gun. Learn how to use it efficiently, through and through, because the time to act is now, as I am going to do myself, because there are lots of people like me who are not afraid to die.

It’s an unavoidable and uncomfortable truth: “trans” terrorism is a real threat, and we can only expect outbursts of homicidal aggression to trend upward. After all, these angry people already have a significantly higher chance of being suicidal; as the man in the video notes, there are “lots” like him who “are not afraid to die [as a martyr].” (The suicide rate in the “trans” community hovers around 50% both before and after “transition” while the general American population has a suicide rate far below 1%.)

Despite the seriousness of “trans” terrorists lurking seemingly everywhere, there was a silver lining. The creature in question states:

So if you want to die on that hill of yours, of righteousness and moral majority, you go right ahead.

First of all, he subconsciously validated that traditional sexuality, not “trans” perversion, is right and moral. Otherwise, he would have noted the “righteousness” and “moral[ity]” we conservatives espouse was a mere illusion, nothing more than a product of religious deception.

Secondly, he said moral “majority” but he probably meant moral “superiority” — not only is he a total degenerate, but he’s a bonehead too.

In my opinion, hes feral, prone to violence, and he’s roaming the streets looking for a kill; where is a domestic terrorism cop when you need one?

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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