Jeffrey Epstein was a convicted sex predator, but he still got around
The Wall Street Journal has an explosive new article about the contacts Jeffrey Epstein maintained after pleading guilty to underage sexual abuse. Long after Epstein pled guilty to one count of procuring a child for prostitution, rich, powerful, and political people still flocked to him. Those rich and powerful, incidentally, were leftists and globalists.
If you have a Wall Street Journal subscription, the article—Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer: Schedules and emails detail meetings in the years after he was a convicted sex offender; visitors cite his wealth and connections—seems to be a must-read. I don’t have a subscription, but here’s what I’ve pieced together:
In 2005, Florida began to investigate Epstein based on a single charge that he had sexually abused a 14-year-old. By 2009, although Epstein was suspected of having abused and trafficked as many as 36 teens, he pled guilty to only one charge of procuring a child for prostitution and soliciting a prostitute. He was sentenced to 13 months in custody, but a large part of that was spent on work release. And speaking of “work,” to this day, the public has no idea where Epstein’s money came from.
Image: Jeffrey Epstein in 2013.
If you’re a normal person, the thought of spending time in the company of a convicted sex predator is repulsive. The man should be a pariah.
But it seems that, if you’re a political or public figure on the left, that’s not a problem. Incidentally, the fact that the rich and powerful happily consorted with Epstein is one of the reasons QANON gained so much traction: That person or group constantly reminded people that pedophilia is a vice amongst the rich and powerful.
But back to Epstein and the Wall Street Journal’s article. It turns out that some very powerful, connected people, other than just Bill Gates, had regular contact with Epstein. ZeroHedge offers a good summary:
In 2014, current CIA director William Burns had three meetings with Jeffrey Epstein when Burns was Obama's deputy secretary of state, and after Epstein had been convicted of child sex exploitation, the Wall Street Journal reports.
According to a CIA spokeswoman, Burns had no idea who Epstein was. He was just introduced “by a mutual friend.” That seems awfully naïve for a CIA director. It turns out that lots of people were “naïve.”
Epstein also had dozens of meetings with then-Obama White House attorney Kathryn Ruemmler, who went on to become Goldman Sachs' top lawyer in 2020. Epstein also planned for her to join him in 2015 on a trip to Paris, and in 2017 to visit his private island in the Caribbean.
The WSJ article details how well Epstein knew Ruemmler and how he worked to accommodate what he knew about her. It’s not clear whether he researched these details or learned them directly.
If you’re a Dan Bongino fan, the name Kathryn Ruemmler means a lot to you. Bongino calls her “the fixer,” because she is connected to every scandal during the Obama and Trump years. She covered for Democrats, says Bongino, and attacked Republicans:
Apparently, this incredibly well-connected woman was naïve, too.
Another naïve person was Ariane de Rothschild, who married into the famed banking family. She met with Epstein over a dozen times. In 2019, the bank lied about these contacts; now they’re admitting it’s true.
Other contacts were:
- Leon Botstein, president of Bard College
- Noam Chomsky, who was scheduled to fly with Epstein to have dinner at the pedophile's Manhattan townhouse in 2015
- Anthropologist Helen Fisher, who says she 'didn't have anything to do with Jeffrey Epstein, "But I remembered it because of his spectacular house and because of the six young women."
- Joshua Cooper Ramo, then co-chief executive of Henry Kissinger’s corporate consulting firm.
- Harvard professor Martin Nowak
- Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak
In other words, a surprising number of well-connected leftists and globalists were in contact with Jeffrey Epstein. Ostensibly, these meetings were about money or networking. There’s also the very strong implication that Epstein worked as an intelligence asset for one or more countries, including our own:
Jeffrey Epstein did not make his money in finance. It's still a mystery where it came from. And our FBI and CIA protected him as he committed horrific sex crimes with some of the world's most powerful people whose names we don't even know.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) April 30, 2023
Whether we’re talking about networking, money, or intelligence, it’s still mind-boggling how rich, powerful leftists and globalists didn’t writhe in revulsion when forced to deal with him. It’s also hard to believe, in an age when information is so easy to obtain, that these well-connected people didn’t know what Epstein was doing.
It’s more believable, and disturbing that these same knew Epstein’s background and didn’t care. Or maybe some of them knew, and that was part of the attraction.
By the way, Vivek Ramaswamy promises that, if he’s elected president, he will release Jeffrey Epstein’s client list. That seems like a very enticing reason to vote for Vivek.