Iowa bill to allow school districts to adopt gun safety instruction denounced as ‘indoctrination’ by entitled beta males
The Constitution and the Judeo-Christian values contained within, are like a millstone around the neck for contemporary leftists; individual responsibility is a doozy for those who want to wallow in mindlessness and all forms of degeneracy. As Plato (or maybe Sophocles?) noted, men can find themselves enslaved to their libido, and the waning of such desires are equivalent to “being unchained from a lunatic”; although this philosophical observation was made in regard to sexual urges, it can be broadly applied.
Generally speaking, the virtues of self-control and self-discipline have been completely discarded by modern society. To be more specific though, as they have been tossed aside, vices like hedonism and indulgence have been embraced, and that line of division between moral and immoral is starkly drawn between political and theological mindsets. See the meme below that perfectly sums it all up:
— Trad West (@trad_west_) February 11, 2023
In this context, the aforementioned leftists are pawns, and perfectly suited for debaucherous enslavement — they’re useful idiots and nothing more than means to an endgame — which is why sexual deviancy permeates every institution and domain under the control of the political left: graphic pornography and literary smut count as “curriculum” and appropriate “educational” material; mature men exposing their prosthetic breasts or pastie-covered implants to minor children is “culture” (and progress!); authoritative “healthcare” consists of “trans-ified” genitals, butchered bodies, intentional hormonal imbalances, and endless Big Pharma products; and all of corporate America can find common ground in promoting homosexuality and “trans” rights.
“There’s no agenda, don’t be a conspiracy theorist!” they say.
Well, well, well, how the tables have turned! In a commentary for Iowa Capital Dispatch, Robert Leonard wrote about “NRA-influenced Republicans” in Des Moines working to pass a bill that would permit school boards to adopt gun safety curriculums if these districts so desired. Recalling a conversation with a colleague (Dave), Leonard writes:
The legislation Dave was referring to is House File 654. Part of that legislation allows guns on school grounds. Like Dave and the Democrats in the Legislature, I don’t believe guns should be allowed on school grounds.
My concern here, however, is the section that encourages teaching ‘firearm safety.’ This is what Dave and I talked most about — the introduction of kids to the gun subculture even though their parents want no part of.
What it’s really about is the indoctrination of students into that subculture. And who is going to do that indoctrination? The NRA.
First of all, don’t end a sentence in a preposition — that right there shows that leftists have no business dictating what a good education entails. (In fact, his whole piece is riddled with poor grammar and outright errors.)
Secondly, lots of us don’t think hypersexual men in drag should be allowed on school grounds to dance erotically in front of children, but our concerns are just “anti-transgender bigotry” and “hate” according to Democrats, so forgive me that I don’t give a rat’s behind about Mr. Leonard’s.
Thirdly, Leonard has the gall to express his aggravation at a “political” agenda being promoted against the wishes of parents? I’m sorry, but where has he been the last three years? I’ve seen countless videos of parents speaking out against the obscene materials found in schools, and the left doesn’t care one iota — in fact, they gloat in their contempt.
Also, will someone please tell him that as a taxpayer, I’m forced to continually fund a program I cannot use (public school) because of creeps who think and vote like him. My bar is embarrassingly low: only cover the basics, and deny professing pedophiles entry into the school — that’s it! — but apparently, that’s asking too much. Now, I have the displeasure of funding the real indoctrination of children into a filthy subculture (LGBTQism), on top of a private home education for my two sons.
Leonard then argues:
And do we need classes every year? Of course not, but that will deepen the indoctrination.
Advocates of gun control often mention the term “red flag” — but you know what gives me concern? People who think less knowledge somehow equates to increased awareness; if there’s anything we should be overly safe with, it’s children and firearms. Also? Real toxic masculinity. Beta males lack what should be an innate desire to protect the weak and vulnerable, and that’s a dangerous character flaw.
Unfortunately the fight to protect children is an uphill battle when the other side is the modern Democrat party — what a disgraceful and godless legacy.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.