Dan Knodl’s victory in Wisconsin could unclip a linchpin of statewide tyranny

I find few things more joyous than witnessing the abortion of evil agendas before they even really have the chance to develop. Rabid leftists, gleefully bursting at the seams with visions of perversion and death, only to wind up completely deflated when they learn a little something about the American system of government — checks and balances still stubbornly in place, frustrating their nihilistic and Orwellian ambitions.

First? They’re (once again) begging for President Trump to be baselessly crucified. They’ve lit their torches and their synchronized chants to free Barabbas’ are growing louder… they think they’ve got him this time! And, once again, they’ll have to extinguish the flames and return to incoherent grunting when they learn there is such a thing as an appellate court. (I predict Trump will be convicted by a jury of twelve inferiors who likely voted for Bragg should the venue remain unchanged.)

But most relevantly given the title of this blog, Wisconsin Democrats and their unthinking flock are likely to be dealt another upset — so long as concerned citizens do their part and apply positive pressure on their legislative representatives.

I follow a good number of pro-abortion and leftist groups on social media, and on Tuesday, I came across a NARAL post congratulating Janet Protasiewicz as the newest justice to occupy a seat on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court. I scrolled through the comments, finding the expected elation from the gaggle of dunces puffed up by their shortsighted and uninformed minds — yet, there was a single exception, as only one person understood there was more to the story. Her note read:

Well, hold your horses. The race for state Senate looks like it may go to Republican Dan Knodl, who would give the Republicans a super majority. He said they will immediately move to have her impeached. This is a horrible outcome.

Turns out, Knodl did win his race, and Republicans now do have the super majority in the state’s upper chamber. Article VII, Section I of Wisconsin’s state constitution reads:

The court for the trial of impeachments shall be composed of the senate. The assembly shall have the power of impeaching all civil officers of this state for corrupt conduct in office, or for crimes and misdemeanors; but a majority of all the members elected shall concur in an impeachment.

Now, we all know too many Republicans possess a disappointing and aggravating character flaw — they’re so bold and patriotic when they’re the political minority, but as soon as they get that majority, it’s all quiet on the western front, and like clockwork, Republicans are starting to back down. According to a local Fox News outlet, Republican Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu said of a Protasiewicz impeachment:

‘For impeachment to succeed, there has to be a serious crime, a misdemeanor, something like that, and it shouldn’t be used as a tool to overturn elections…. It just has to be something very serious that an elected official or a public official does, and being someone who doesn’t agree with you politically is not a reason to impeach someone.’

Now, Protasiewicz has made some questionable comments which could easily be interpreted as “corrupt conduct” as they appear to exhibit a willingness to flout ethics in favor of judicial activism, but there’s another major problem here: these are no longer simple political differences between Democrat and Republican, or conservative and liberal. At this point, the other side is promoting child sacrifice — in a multitude of ways. They’ve got altars for reproductive “justice”, altars for “visibility” or “inclusion”, and altars for Big Brother and communist ideology.

Politics is a zero-sum struggle, and the left knows that. We don’t “win” by taking the moral high ground with political insurgents who target children, we win by beating them at their own game; just as long as it’s not immoral. And, there’s nothing immoral about wielding political power to banish child sacrificers into political oblivion. In fact it’s exactly what our representatives should be doing, and it’s the job of the citizenry to ensure they do.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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