Another race storm is in the making in Kansas City after the shooting of a black teen

A few hours ago, Kansas City police chief Stacey Graves revealed that the Kansas City police department is working on an investigation of the shooting of a teenager.

Clearly nervous, Chief Graves and Kansas City mayor Quinton Lucas held a press conference.

"I want everyone to know that I am listening," Graves said at a news conference at Kansas City police headquarters downtown, "and I understand the concern we are receiving from the community" (4½-minute video clip).

So what happened?

On Thursday, April 13, just before 10 P.M., law enforcement was called to a home near N.E. Cookingham Drive and N. Tracy Avenue in Kansas City, where the teen had been shot by the homeowner.

The police found the injured teenager suffering from life-threatening injuries for which he was transported to a local hospital.

The officers took the homeowner, who is the alleged shooter, into custody.  The department said he's been released after consulting with the Clay County prosecutor's office.  This is standard procedure while the investigation continues.

The police have pledged a swift and thorough investigation in order that the case can be presented to the Clay County prosecutor.

Police said the teenager was picking up his siblings at a house on N.E. 115th Terrace but mistakenly went to a house on N.E. 115th Street.

The shooting was officially listed as a case of mistaken identity.

Graves said that forensic evidence and a victim statement would be needed before the case is complete.

Kansas City mayor Quinton Lucas has also assured Kansas Citians that the case has law enforcement's full attention.

"There is a thorough investigation underway now," Lucas said. "There will be a thorough review in the prosecutor's office."

These are the only facts available.

In response, protesters took to the streets of the Northland Sunday in a sign of support for a 16-year-old shot on Thursday night.

"He was one block away from where he was supposed to be, so ringing that doorbell innocently ... no one should shoot through a door," said protester Dee Porter.

A massive crowd gathered in front of the alleged shooter's home:

The case is receiving nationwide attention, with the likes of Halle Berry, Naomi Campbell, Bernice King, etc. tweeting about it with the hashtag #RalphYarl:

So why is this particular incident getting attention over the  at least 160 mass shootings across the U.S. so far this year?

Because the victim happens to be black, and the alleged shooter happens to be white.  I use the phrase "happens to be" because the investigation so far hasn't claimed that race was the motivation behind the crime.

It is essential that the investigation occur objectively and meticulously.  It is essential that everyone be patient and wait 'til the investigation is complete and the findings are revealed.  But that is seeming increasingly unlikely, as chaos has already begun.

Yarl's aunt, Dr. Faith Spoonmore, claimed the following about the shooting incident:

The man in the home opened the door, looked my nephew in the eye, and shot him in the head.

My nephew fell to the ground, and the man shot him again.

Spoonmore claims that, still conscious, Yarl "had to run to 3 different homes" before someone came to his aid, and then only after ordering the 16-year-old to lie on the ground with his hands up.  He was hospitalized, and he "has a long road ahead mentally and emotionally," the fundraiser page reads.

Spoonmore is also calling it a race-based hate crime.

This was not an "error"; this was a hate crime. You don't shoot a child in the head because he rang your doorbell. The fact that the police said it was an 'error' is why America is the way it is.

She took to Instagram, where she wrote the following:

This man intended to kill an innocent child simply because he rang the doorbell of the wrong house. He looked him in the face and shot him... and the individual is free to go about his day as if he did a great deed. While my nephew Ralph Yarl is a great kid, an intelligent kid, a black boy is left with so many broken pieces.

Spoonmore has also set up GoFundMe to handle Yarl's medical expenses where she made similar claims about the shooting, in addition to the following about the victim.

Ralph Pual Yarl is a fantastic kid, and I am not just saying this because he is my nephew. He truly is. At school, he is a member of the Technology Student Association and Science Olympia Team. Jazz and competition band. He is a section leader in the marching band; a scholar and one of the top base [sic] clarinet players in Missouri. He recently earned Missouri All-State Band recognition with an honorable mention. He plays multiple instruments in the metropolitan youth orchestra. He is a 2022 Missouri scholar academy alumni. [sic] Ralph can often be found with a musical instrument. He loves them all.

Last summer, Ralph attended Missouri Scholar's Academy, where he got a full college life experience. His goal is to attend Texas A&M to major in chemical Engineering. When asked how he plans to get into this university, he said, "Well, if they have a scholarship for music or academics, I know I can get it.

One does hope the funds raised are spent exclusively on Yarl's recovery.

Lee Merritt, the civil rights lawyer, has taken up the case, which means they are treating it as a race hate crime.

The likes of Halle Berry have revealed the name, office address, phone number, and email address of the prosecutor.

In the coming days, expect loud protests, which could turn violent, not just before the office of the prosecutor, but also before his home.  There are myriad other ways the prosecutor can be targeted.

Most humans, no matter how brave they are or how committed they are to the course of justice, will be intimidated.

This is an act of interference with the course of justice.

The prosecutor may be tempted to charge the shooter with premeditated murder and a hate crime just to stop the threats to his family.

In the coming days, expect all the usual race-hustlers from Reverend Al Sharpton to BLM founders to inflame the situation because it presents them with an opportunity to raise funds.

In the coming days, expect Democrat politicians to play the race card and engage in overstatements.  You can be sure that Kamala Harris will spew venom.

The alleged shooter will be, even if he is a Bernie Sanders–supporter, linked to Trump and the GOP.

We know that the mainstream media don't allow fact to interfere in their premeditated narrative.  Make no mistake: the well-being of Ralph Yarl or his family is the least of their concerns. 

They are in it for fame, power, publicity, and pecuniary gains.

These are worse than vultures.

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab.

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