Maryland Democrats propose eliminating a murder felony for anyone under the age of 25
Although rhetorical, what do the following items have in common?
American chattel slavery
Opposition to the Thirteenth Amendment
Jim Crow laws
Literacy tests at the polls
The War on Poverty
They’re prominent examples of a longstanding and ongoing war to subjugate the Black community, and (un)coincidentally, the oppressors fall entirely in one political camp — the Democrat party.
Now, thanks to “progressives” cut from the same cloth as men like Preston Brooks, except this time confined working within the boundaries of Maryland, we can expand the above list with this:
Lawmakers in Maryland are considering a new piece of legislation that would literally decriminalize and absolve residents under the age of 25 from being charged with a felony and a myriad of offenses.
Bill HB1180: ‘Criminal Law – Youth Accountability and Safety Act’ says that it would prevent people 25 and under ‘from being convicted of murder in the first degree,’ or ‘the perpetration or attempted perpetration of an additional crime listed under § 2-201(4)(i)-(xii) of the Criminal Law Article.’
Jacob M. Thompson of Wine Press News reported that a state agency released a “Racial Equity Impact Note” to furnish the public with an “analysis” of the measure; per Thompson:
The bill would prohibit an individual under the age of 25 from being convicted of first-degree murder committed in the perpetration of or an attempt to perpetrate various felonies including carjacking, arson, burglary, rape, and various sex offenses.
So why are Democrats sponsoring legislation that would preclude charging those under 25 with first-degree murder so long as a victim died during the alleged commission of a rape or other violent act? Well, duh! Racism and White privilege of course!
Also from the “Equity” note:
This [bill] could allow an individual who may have committed a murder while committing another crime as a juvenile or young adult to have an opportunity to be released at a more mature age and possibly rehabilitate.
Accordingly, this would have a meaningful impact on individuals in this age bracket, particularly Black or African American individuals who generally face arrest for murder at a disproportionately high rate.
Blacks in Maryland do face arrest for murder at a disproportionately high rate, because they commit a disproportionate amount of the murders. But there’s also another “disproportionate” and far more important figure to consider: the victims of these crimes are overwhelmingly Black themselves. (The favored ‘protect the abuser’ routine of the Democrats is rather tired, isn’t it?)
Let’s take a look at rape and carjacking, two of the crimes that would prohibit a first-degree murder charge thanks to the bill in question….
Baltimore seems to be a decent barometer, as it is the most populous city in Maryland; in an official report put out by the Baltimore Police, data showed the victims of rape were largely Black (a rounded 66%). For context, there were 180 cases of reported rape where the victim was Black, while the next closest skin color demographic was the White community, with 78 cases of reported rape; ergo, a Black person in Baltimore is more than twice as likely to be raped as a White person.
State law requires the Maryland Department of State Police’s release of an annual “Uniform Crime Report” and data from recent years exhibited similar disparities: carjacking victims are also a majority Black; numbers can be seen below:
2016: 56%
2017: 56%
2018: 60%
2019: 60%
2020: 58%
Lowering penalties for murdering another during the commission of crimes such as rape and carjacking will only be less of a deterrent to the would-be criminals — and who’s gonna pay the piper for this latest initiative if signed into law? Well, apparently the portion of the Black community that unfortunately finds itself at the receiving end of a rapist or carjacker.
As ridiculous as it sounds, looking at all the data, a bizarre reality set in: Democrat-on-Black is a legitimate crime statistic!
On and on the revolutionaries march….
Hat Tip: SurvivingbytheGraceofGod.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.