Host of The Young Turks steps right on a landmine and it’s almost too good to be true

If you appreciate thoughtful commentary and dislike profanity, Cenk Uygur, host of the political program The Young Turks, isn’t your guy; on the other hand, if you’re a shallow thinker and like to think of yourself as morally and intellectually superior, he most certainly is. (I hate to say this, but for the sake of transparency I must: to my everlasting shame, as a 20-something-year-old college student, I actually listened to that clown.)

As many (if not all) of us are horrifically aware, this week saw yet another school shooting, allegedly perpetrated by someone who was clearly suffering from “trans” delusions so militantly affirmed by the left. In the aftermath of the tragedy, Uygur couldn’t help but cheaply politicize the loss of life, only to be smashed down in the most profound way. See the tweet below:

Now, upon seeing this, I didn’t know who Heidi Briones was, but given her brilliantly effective counter, I assumed she was a conservative…turns out I was completely wrong, and she is in fact a bonafide liberal. Briones is a “married” lesbian who lives in Portland and seemingly finds President Trump repugnant, but as far as I can tell, she loves America; as weird as it is to say at this juncture in time, she is…a patriotic Democrat. At one point in time, Briones unsuccessfully ran for public office, and on her website, she says this:

As we move forward as a country, I hope we can understand that what truly makes us special is our freedom. Freedom of expression, liberties, speech, ideas, and more.

Not only was Briones’ retort to Uygur a complete mic drop moment, but it highlighted an important fact I think many leftists/Democrats might be missing.

Yesterday, while perusing around an antique shop here in Alabama, I wound up talking to a gentleman after we got started by discussing our appreciation for Civil War historical relics. To my utter surprise, he was a Democrat. He expressed genuine concern over President Trump, especially honing in on what he called Trump’s “attacks” on a “free press” and correctly he noted that dictators throughout history have targeted journalists; to this I replied, “yes, yes, I know, it’s exactly what Zelensky is doing right now” — unfortunately I didn’t recall in the moment the obscene example set by Obama. I then asked if he liked Joe Biden…and shamelessly, he admitted he did. Obviously, for someone who would so readily admit they support a politician who can’t help but fondle and sniff children on camera, and according to his own daughter, took inappropriate (if not criminal) showers with her, I definitely brought those up.

You won’t believe this, but he said he’d never heard of Ashley Biden’s diary, and he’d never seen Joe Biden do anything offputting. He vowed to go home and seek out what I told him, and unless I’m a total fool, he seemed to genuinely care. (I of course noted that President’s Trump’s “attacks” on a “free press” were actually against the censorship which precluded the gentleman in question from hearing about the diary; crickets.)

I mention this to emphasize what I only learned yesterday: there apparently are still some level-headed Democrats completely in the dark because let’s admit, even though they may be rational, well-meaning, or even patriotic, they’re still not the brightest bunch. (The man from the antique store seems to be cut from the same cloth as Briones.) Therefore, there is a healthy burden on us to enlighten them.

We’ve seen a tremendous slide towards depravity, with things that were reprehensible just five short years ago find acceptance in mainstream venues. Yet, I still believe that a vast majority of Americans can unite over the protection of our children, and I think that ought to be an urgent impetus for engaging with conversations.

Edward Everett once said, “Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.” While not speaking to the current crisis of affairs, it emphasizes the role of civility instead of hostility, and given the vacuum of a free flow of information, we can, and certainly should gently fill the void.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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