Video: Watch a ‘trans demi-boy non-binary’ explain her pronoun lesson for 5th graders
You know a video is alarming when you receive texts and emails from several people, all pointing to it as the perfect example of what leftists are doing to America’s school children. In this case, a self-identified “trans demi-boy non-binary” speaks matter-of-factly about how she uses classroom time when she has complete control over the children to teach them about imaginary “gender identities” and pronouns. Parents need to get outraged, and there’s at least one group that exists to help parents channel that outrage into successful political action.
At Saturn Street Elementary School, which is part of the Los Angeles Unified School District, one of the fifth-grade teachers is a woman named Skye Tooley. Her home page at the school’s website has a small picture of a young, green-haired person wearing a t-shirt saying “trans resistance.” That’s the first hint to parents that their child is going to be indoctrinated, rather than educated. Tooley also signs her introductory statement as “Mx. Tooley” (which I always read as meaning “mixed up”) and adds “Pronouns: they/them.”
It's on Tooley’s “Bio” page, though, that you fully understand that, if you’re not into post-modernism, anti-biology, and hard leftist, this is not someone you want near your children (although she clearly spends a lot of his time with the 10 and under crowd). I’ve bolded the words and phrases that tell you that Tooley’s mission isn’t to teach students the education basics that parents expect but is, instead, to indoctrinate them into post-modernist gender and racial ideology:
My name is Skye Tooley! My pronouns are they/them. I diligently push to create a safe space and brave space for my students. We work on being uncomfortable, challenged, and communicating. We work to understand our identity, bias, and privilege.
I am constantly learning, reading, growing, and practicing. I identify as trans nonbinary. I use the pronouns they/them to identify and go by Mx. T with my learners and Skye with my friends. I am not afraid to try something new, fail, and try again. I know mistakes are okay as do my students. I love all things geeky (comic books, Marvel, Star Wars), I am avid book reader, I love running, bouldering, hiking, and I enjoy traveling. I, also, have a cute dog and cat.
We work towards being okay with our mistakes. and having a growth mindset. Our classroom focuses on using research based projects that incorporate the arts. In this way, we learn about current events, social justice, identity and how to collaborate and grow together as a community.
Together we are learning and growing!
тАЛCurrently: 2022-2023 5th Grade Educator
Previously: 4th grade and 3rd Grade
Among the pictures Tooley has that show kids at work in her classroom are two in which students are drawing posters: “End Police Brutality,” and “Solidarity: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer. Love has no genders.”
It’s on her TikTok page, though, that Tooley really lets you know what’s going on inside her life and, inevitably, her classroom. She has dozens of videos showing her philosophy (hard left, obsessed with “gender identity”) and how she brings that philosophy to the classroom. Here’s the video (which loads slowly) that caught people’s eye and repeatedly landed in my inbox:
@growingwithmxt An easy lesson on introducing pronouns! #internationalpronounsday #personalpronouns #pronouns #elementaryteacher #elementary #teachersoftiktok #theythem #misgendering тЩм LoFi(860862) - skollbeats
If you don’t want one of these sad, obsessive people indoctrinating your children in their world of hard-leftism and imaginary gender identities, you can do something about it. You might have noticed during the last election that, while results at the top of the ballot were disappointing, there were big changes at the bottom of ballots: Several leftist school boards got routed in favor of conservative school boards that want to return to teachers being barred from bringing their personal leftist philosophies (Critical Race Theory, Social-Emotional Learning, Gender Identity, etc.) to classrooms. (See, e.g., this story out of South Carolina.)
Moms for Liberty is the name one hears most frequently in connection with these successful school board elections. It empowers parents by bringing them together and giving them the tools they need to challenge what’s happening in their children’s schools. Its greatest virtue is that parents feel utterly helpless when they’re trapped in public schools (for whatever reason) and realize that their children’s teachers, like Tooley herself, spend an inordinate amount of time making sure that those trapped children are inexorably herded toward being sexually confused leftists.
Even Democrats, when they have vulnerable young children who will unquestioningly believe any of the nonsense that the Tooleys of the world send their way, become activists. Even if your children are grown, get involved in the school district fights because they are where real change occurs.
Image: Skye Tooley. TikTok screen grab.