Grandmother’s letter of gentle love and graceful patience leaves her ‘trans’ granddaughter in tears of anger
The childish hysteria so characteristic of leftists is akin to emotional terrorism. If you’ve ever dealt with a tired toddler — blubbering tears, incoherent, and hypersensitive — you know exactly what I mean. It’s clear, in that hyper emotional state, our little ones aren’t thinking rationally, they’re completely unhinged.
Speaking of unhinged…. From Ashley Sadler at LifeSiteNews:
A Catholic grandmother wrote a beautiful letter to her gender-confused granddaughter expressing both her deep love and serious spiritual and moral anxieties after learning the young woman wanted to be called by a male name.
The grandmother expressed that she loves and cares about her granddaughter too much to affirm something that is false and promised instead to pray and sacrifice for her [granddaughter].
In Christlike love, the grandmother gently asserted that she loved her precious grandchild too much to go along with a delusion (chromosomes don’t lie). Despite the tragic reality or the situation, the grandmother ended her letter with these words:
Because of my concerns for your soul and your mental health, I’m spending more time with Jesus in adoration… offering up special personal sacrifices…
Do you know how much you are cherished and loved? It would be a joy to see you and be with you during the coming Christmas celebration of Our Lord’s birth.
In a completely predictable sequence of events, the young girl responded to the display of grace and abiding love with blubbering tears of frustration and anger.
Watch the video below:
Thoughts on grandma’s letter? I think it’s lovely but everyone is flaming it in the comments
— christmastide enjoyer рџЋ„рџ•Ї (@catholicdoomer) December 19, 2022
When I see this clip, all I can see is the pronounced truth that “transgender” people suffer from severe mental distress. Now, preemptively I’ll say it’s not because of non-acceptance. How do I know that? Well, there are plenty of people by whom I’m not accepted, even people in my own family, and it doesn’t cause me to meltdown into a fit of angry crying. This indicates something else is going on, and I can only speculate that the young girl lacks an ability to cope with reality and a range of traumas, which are coming out sideways as a “transition” to “Mike.”
Like I noted at the beginning, emotional breakdowns don’t communicate stability and rationality — which is why we see it so often from toddlers and leftists.
Yet, founded in actual truth, this grandmother’s faith teaches this about love:
Love is patient and kind… it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things… endures all things.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.