Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada, Tecate, and other Mexican border cities explode into orgy of cartel violence
Less than 20 miles away from where I'm writing this in San Diego, the next city over is exploding into some kind of Ukraine-like hellscape.
According to local station CBS8:
TIJUANA, Baja California — The United States Consulate General in Tijuana is instructing employees to shelter in place after unrest in the region began on Friday.
The U.S. consulate is warning government employees near Tijuana, Mexicali, Rosarito, Ensenada, Tecate to shelter in place until further notice due to vehicle fires, roadblocks and heavy police activity.
U.S. citizens are being told to avoid the area, seek secure shelter, and monitor local media for updates.
It must be still on the national-news radar as a local story, maybe something that happens all the time, this being Tee Jay.
But it's no local story. It's the logical consequence of Joe Biden's open borders policy, which has made control of Tijuana and all border cities worth fighting for to Mexico's brutal cartels. Apparently, three have laid claim to these cities — and they are big ones. TJ is bigger than San Diego, which is America's sixth largest city, for one, putting these cities under an unprecedented siege.
Here are some Twitter photos.
The burning of all kinds of vehicles is ongoing, sirens sounding all over #Tijuana. A supposed message from the Jalisco cartel #CJNG is spreading throughout social media threatening the state with more chaos.
— David Wolf (@DavidWolf777) August 13, 2022
State University UABC is the first to cancel activities all weekend. https://t.co/pSzg0AqebN pic.twitter.com/eal3wvGGIC
LATEST IN MEXICO: ЁЯЗ▓ЁЯЗ╜ Residents of Tecate, Tijuana, Playas de Rosarito, Mexicali, and Ensenada are sharing videos of burnt vehicles in the street.
— WeThePeopleFreedomWorld (@wepeoplefreedom) August 13, 2022
The U.S. Consulate to Tijuana has confirmed the attacks. pic.twitter.com/K46LtytBc5
Narco attack on the U.S. border. The cartels carried out simultaneous attacks in Tijuana, Mexicali, and Tecate. pic.twitter.com/q3YVj9Dqn4
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) August 13, 2022
According to one account, 19 fires had been reported throughout #BajaCalifornia. Multiple vehicles, including vans and delivery trucks, ablaze.#baja#tijuana #BREAKING #BreakingNews pic.twitter.com/m0JGjFnqsx
— тШЕ GNI тШЕ GAIA NEWS INTERNATIONAL (@GaiaNewsIntl) August 13, 2022
'Public transport units are burning simultaneously in Tijuana, Mexicali and Tecate. Armed and hooded men are taking off drivers and passengers to set the vehicles on fire. Baja California' https://t.co/qGOa93eWLZ pic.twitter.com/a9xtNSvIDC
— www.anoncandanga.com (@anon_candanga) August 13, 2022
There are currently 3 cartels fighting for power over Tijuana and things have escalated this week, now this has been happening today.
— Deported (deported.tez/sol) (@DeportedPhotog) August 13, 2022
the air is thick with a sense of uncertainty.
stay safe https://t.co/hVw8ZuRIuU
For my non-mexican friends and contacts, and for the public in general.
— Enrique A. (@HenrikAborym) August 13, 2022
DO NOT come to Tijuana, México ЁЯЗ▓ЁЯЗ╜.
The past days and today, many cities of this state and other northern states, have witnessed a lot of violence. No kidding.
There are even some local curfews. https://t.co/9wkPqe0XwU
1/2 The U.S. Consulate General Tijuana is aware of reports of multiple vehicle fires, roadblocks, and heavy police activity in Tijuana, Mexicali, Rosarito, Ensenada, and Tecate. U.S. government employees have been instructed to shelter in place until further notice. pic.twitter.com/oghBX1P7qX
— U.S. Consulate Tijuana (@ConsuladoUSATJ) August 13, 2022
Tijuana: undreds of people still stranded at bus stops from lack of transportation. It is almost MIDNIGHT in tijuana pic.twitter.com/GRMyw51fDN
— La Coyote (@lacoyotee) August 13, 2022
What a sight. Revolution Avenue, the hot spot for tourism and night clubs in #Tijuana, desolated. If you're from TJ or visit often you know this place never sleeps, tonight it does.
— David Wolf (@DavidWolf777) August 13, 2022
Baja California Mexicali Ensenada Rosarito Tecate https://t.co/NXwE1pUPpK pic.twitter.com/fnoyMRs66M
Surreal, I have never seen a Friday without traffic while entering Mexico from the U.S. This is today's reality due to yesterday's cartel violence in Ciudad Juárez. Also, right now, Tijuana is experiencing similar violence. #ArdeLaFrontera pic.twitter.com/WTYHiZ6T8U
— J. Omar Ornelas (@fotornelas) August 13, 2022
Cartels don't go to "war" like this unless a lot of money is at stake. And there is.
Joe Biden's open borders policies have led to a full-blown war zone at the very edge of the U.S., with scenes like these, all because of the money and power at stake. It's compounded by the Mexican federal government's coddling of cartels. That's a toxic, explosive mixture that has led to this actual national security crisis.
Why would three cartels set off this level of violence to gain control of Tijuana? Well, look at the map — Tijuana is the gateway to San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose, Riverside, Las Vegas, Fresno, Sacramento, San Francisco, and beyond, all huge markets of intense interest to Mexican drug-smugglers and human-traffickers. Biden's dinner triangle to illegal aliens still breaking into the country has led to more than a million illegal border crossings since his administration took office. With the U.S. no longer controlling its border, cartels have filled the void, collecting some $7,000 per migrant per crossing. That's a lot of fresh capital for the cartels, even as the States are expected to pick up the tab for the migrants themselves.
The second issue is that this is damn close to the States, and anyone who thinks this level of violence and disorder couldn't possibly spread inside here, what with Joe Biden's open border and its 900,000 "gotaways," is an idiot. Who does Joe think the gotaways might be? The cartels are here, and they have been here for years. Why wouldn't the battle for control of Tijuana not spread to Lancaster, Riverside, San Bernardino, Chula Vista, San Diego proper, Pine Valley, San Pedro, Echo Park, Huntington Park, Southgate, Cudahy, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, San Fernando, Van Nuys, Sun Valley, or East L.A.? All of these areas have seen significant cartel and illegal alien activity in recent years.
There's a war on now, and while it's obvious enough to those of us staring down this 1990s-like Medellín with our own eyes, Joe Biden's not talking about it. He's about to sign off on 87,000 new IRS agents to audit us dreadful deplorables, but not a single cent for more Border Patrol agents or ICE agents. Those agencies have been converted into "processors" and transport agents for illegal aliens, which is ultimately a service for the cartels, which as a result are now richer and more ravenous than ever.
Now the war is on, it's August, and same as Afghanistan, Joe Biden is on vacation.
Perhaps it's just a blow-up that will settle down. But more likely, something bigger is happening. Biden can thank himself for setting the series of events in motion. But ultimately, the bad story will be in his likely head-in-the-sand Afghanistan-like handling of the disaster, which will be more legacy for him.
Image: Twitter screen shot.