Schadenfreude overload as Fox ratings champs Tucker and Gutfeld savage CNN, Chris Wallace, and Brian Stelter on air
Conservatives rarely get opportunities to gloat as delicious as the rapid demise of the streaming service CNN, reportedly the brainchild of Jeff Zucker, the now ex-head of CNN, the man who dragged the cable news pioneer far to the left. The humiliation stains not just Zucker and CNN, but also Chris Wallace, who left Fox News on a high horse, taking aim at Tucker Carlson and the prime-time opinion hosts at the cable news leader. Already shamed by the fact that Fox News Sunday ratings went up after he left, Wallace now has to contend with savage mockery by the two notable ratings champions at his former employer.
Tucker Carlson, the ratings king of cable news, gloated over CNN media critic Brian Stelter's floating over Netflix's decline in subscribers and stock price crash:
A bit later in the show, Tucker took on his former colleague Chris Wallace, who had disparaged Carlson's documentary on the January 6 incident:
Tucker Carlson: "So, we're mourning as we told you a moment ago tonight, the involuntary retirement of Mike Wallace's son. Boo-hoo no more lectures on TV."
— Kevin Tober (@KevinTober94) April 22, 2022
But Carlson's schadenfreude was minor-league compared to what Greg Gutfeld offered a few hours earlier, slamming Wallace in each segment of the show. What has to make this doubly painful for Wallace is the fact that Gutfeld's eponymous late-night comedy is regularly beating the competition for late-night comedy/talk shows, despite having a much smaller production budget and writing staff than the competition. Via the Media Research Center's Newsbusters, here are Gutfeld's jabs at Wallace.
One further humiliated party that should not be overlooked in the CNN fiasco is McKinsey & Company, the high-priced consulting firm that reportedly advised on the probable success of the venture while it was in the planning stage. It's hard to find flops that so quickly and comprehensively turn a consulting report into embarrassing nonsense. McKinsey has few friends on the right these days, given its role in promoting globalism and its earlier employment of Pete Buttigieg and Chelsea Clinton. (Full disclosure: I was wined and dined on two continents and received a job offer at McKinsey when I graduated from Harvard Business School, but I turned it down to join the faculty at HBS. It was a rather different firm in those days.)
Photo credit: MRC video screen grab.