Gas prices could force more people to work from home
A few days ago, I paid $3.49 a gallon to fill up my tank. Two days later, it was $3.59 when I drove by my neighborhood gas station. I was furious, but I learned later that my friend in California is paying $5 and my other in New York is paying over $4. Well, I guess we are not doing so bad after all. Nevertheless, I'm still angry about the whole thing. It did not have to happen, and the same could be said about the border chaos, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, or the general incompetence of the Biden administration.
The gasoline story is topic #1 because it is killing the family budget. Let's look at this story from Mike Snider:
Get ready to pay even more at the pump — perhaps as much as $5 per gallon or more.
Some consumers are already paying more than that: The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline in San Francisco hit the $5 mark Thursday. That's the first time a U.S. city has hit an average that high, said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at fuel-savings app GasBuddy.
But the entire state of California will likely hit that mark in the next week or two, and major cities nationwide will likely follow suit, De Haan told USA TODAY. "Some large cities could hit $5/gal but not yet immediately," he said.
Gas prices topping $4 per gallon by Memorial Day had been predicted prior to Russia's attack on Ukraine.
Frankly, we'd be happy if it were $4 on Memorial Day.
What might we see this summer because of high gasoline prices? How about more people working from home again? Why fill your tank once a week just to commute to work? More carpooling like I remember back in 1982? What about more public transportation? What impact will this have on vacations or people in Texas with big trucks or who travel long distances in our rural areas?
It's going to get very angry this summer, especially if the Biden administration keeps listening to the climate change activists who don't have a clue about the real world.
PS: Click for my videos and podcasts at Canto Talk.
Image: Daniel Christensen.