Medical board suspends license of doc, asks for psych evaluation for prescribing ivermectin and HCQ for COVID and for public dissent from orthodoxy
Shades of the darkest days of the Stalinist Soviet Union, where dissent from the lethal incorrect pseudo-scientific doctrines of Lysenkoism could result in imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital! Julia Marnin reports in the Miami Herald:
A doctor with decades of experience can't practice medicine after her license was temporarily suspended over complaints that she shared coronavirus misinformation, according to a Maine licensing board. The board has ordered her to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation, it said. Dr. Meryl J. Nass, who got a license to practice medicine in Maine in 1997, had her license "immediately" suspended for 30 days after a board investigation and review of complaints against her on Jan. 12, according to a suspension order from the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine.
Nass, who's an internist in Ellsworth, must "submit" to an evaluation by a "Board-selected psychologist" on Feb. 1, the board's evaluation order issued Jan. 11 said.
Dr. Nass's purported "misconduct" includes both prescribing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and talking and writing about them in public. Via Bizpacreview:
A 25-year Maine doctor has had her license temporarily suspended and been ordered to submit to a psychological evaluation for the alleged offenses of treating her patients with Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, in addition to sharing so-called "misinformation" about the coronavirus and its associated vaccines.
The State of Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine issued the 30-day suspension (minimum) last Tuesday on the grounds that Dr. Meryl J. Nass' medical services would constitute "an immediate jeopardy to the health and physical safety of the public."
The order goes into detail about how she prescribed Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to several patients and once falsely labeled a patient a victim of Lyme disease so that the patient could procure these meds from a pharmacist.
"The patient [Patient 2] and I wanted him treated with hydroxychloroquine. I reviewed his dozen or so medications and discussed all potential drug interactions and how to ameliorate them, and we decided to proceed," Naas admitted last month in a written statement to the board.
Dr. Nass (Twitter icon).
Dr. Nass made a terrible choice, however, that may leave her vulnerable:
But the problem was finding a pharmacist willing to dispense the drug. I was eventually forced, when the pharmacist called a few minutes ago and asked me for the diagnosis, to provide misinformation: that I was prescribing the drug for Lyme disease, as this was the only way to get a potentially life-saving drug for my patient.
While saving lives is an understandable motivation, lying about the basis of a prescription — even of a drug with an excellent safety record — is a violation of norms and possibly laws. But that detail does not seem to be the motivation behind the medical board's actions.
In an order separate from the suspension order, the board also demanded that she "submit to a neuropsychological evaluation by a Board-selected psychologist on February 1, 2022." It's presumed she must pass the evaluation to recover her license.
"The information received by the Board demonstrates that Dr. Nass is or may be unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to her patients by reason of mental illness, alcohol intemperance, excessive use of drugs, narcotics, or as a result of a mental or physical condition interfering with the competent practice of medicine," the second order reads.
The "information" includes a complaint filed by someone on Oct. 26th that Nass "was engaging in the public dissemination of 'misinformation regarding the SARS CoV2 pandemic and the official public health response' ... via a video interview and on her website."
In the video, she reportedly criticized the federal government's mask/vaccine mandates, called out the government's refusal to acknowledge natural immunity, drew attention to the licensing dilemma surrounding the Pfizer vaccine, etc.
It is the public confrontation by Dr. Nass that seems to be the motive behind forcing a psychological evaluation.
The "information" also includes another complaint filed on Nov. 7th about the alleged "misinformation" she was sharing on Twitter.
This "misinformation" included "a link to an interview with Dr. [Joseph] Mercola," an osteopathic physician who's been labeled a "conspiracy theorist" by the establishment over his unorthodox views on treating COVID.
It also included her "stating that a patient informed consent form for hydroxychloroquine used at a hospital was a form 'designed to scare patients from using a safe drug that works well for COVID by making false claims," and that "humans beings, we're guinea pigs for these [the COVID] vaccines."
Should tweets like these send a physician for mental examination?
And in May neither Fauci nor Walensky could tell Senator Burr how many of their employees were vaccinated during a Senate hearing.
— MERYL NASS, MD (@NassMeryl) January 6, 2022
The employees do know something.
They were all given the same marching orders and all complied. They are desperate. The people know they lie. Between the oligarchs and the people, where can these puppets run?
— MERYL NASS, MD (@NassMeryl) January 6, 2022
Kinda sorta. All those measures were already a sick joke, a useless mix of virtue signalers and means to the WEF's Great Reset, especially that passport.
— MERYL NASS, MD (@NassMeryl) January 6, 2022
Omicron, like Trump, pulled back the curtain.
They are trying to regain the narrative. Don't let them.
This smacks of suppression of dissent over a scientific and medical issue that is far from settled.
Dr. Nass has not yet indicated if she will submit to psychiatric evaluation. Stay tuned.