It's time for veterans to defend their country against the child-snatchers
This is a call for every American military veteran to take immediate action to remove Critical Race Theory indoctrination of our children from their schools, by renewing our oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
The war against our Constitution has consistently been waged by Marxist Critical Theorists (C.T.), Critical Legal Theorists (CLT), and now Critical Race Theorists (CRT), since the 1920s. Until recently, the Marxists had been waging their war without pushback, but now the grassroots raising our regimental colors of the rule of law and individual rights are finally beginning to organize against the Marxists' slow and relentless, but now accelerating, onslaught.
The battlefield is massive. It includes much of the American commercial sector, where Big Business, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Entertainment, and Big Media have joined with subversive elements of the administrative state to influence and control what remains of our free economy and our free people. The minds of our children, who are our national treasure and our national future, are at stake in the most important battlefield of all: our schools. They are trapped in the K–12 and higher education systems, both public and private, where the domestic enemy is most active, influential, and in charge. We must change this.
We look to our state legislators and our governors to create the "weapons" required to "Take Back America's Children." The laws they create will become the arsenal of our representative republican democracy in our defense of the Constitution, just as the United States was the arsenal of democracy for the Allies during the Second World War. Parents have the primary responsibility, both biblically and legally, to educate their children. Thus, they are responsible for influencing their state legislatures, which create the laws governing education, and the state executives who are supposed to enforce those laws.
Veterans must lead the way to make these state governing bodies accountable to parents, and to all citizens, to pass and enforce laws that will effectively remove from the education system the teaching of the divisive concepts that constitute the elements of the Critical Race Theory the schools are using to indoctrinate our children in Marxism, and to separate them from their families, their religions, their history, and one another.
It is up to the grassroots to "write the specs" to guide our state governments in creating and passing laws that will be effective in defeating this Marxist domestic enemy. Veterans must lead the way to access and learn the doctrine, strategy, operational planning, and tactics to convey this information effectively to their legislators and executives in state governments. Proclaiming Justice to the Nations ( is a national leader among the many organizations that provide such training.
I testify before state legislative committees and agencies such as state boards of education to educate their members on school issues. During the post-testimony questions from committee members, one or another of them sometimes thanks me for my military service, and it is difficult to form a brief but meaningful response. Especially when elected or appointed government officials take the time to thank us, a veteran's response must be thoughtful, and more than merely pro forma.
I now respond to "thank you for your service" by explaining that as a military member, I took oaths to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. This came up in one committee, where I had just testified that the Constitution of the United States has been under attack by purveyors of C.T., CLT, and CRT in their writings and manifestos for 100 years. I had demonstrated to the committee members that these theorists and their organizations have declared themselves to be, and are, enemies of the Constitution.
I stated that in doing this work, I am continuing to fulfill the oaths I pledged while in the military, and I reminded the committee members that when they themselves were sworn in to serve as legislators, each of them took an oath that mirrored my own in this regard. Thus, every one of them bears the same continued responsibility to G-d and to all Americans to uphold that oath to defend the Constitution.
We must take every opportunity to remind our state legislators of their oaths, and then strongly urge them to pass effective state legislation to stop the indoctrination of our children in this hateful ideology. And we should urge our governors, who also pledged that same oath, to sign those bills promptly.
Veterans, our country still needs us, and it is time to step up and make this happen.
Michael S. Goldstein, Esq. retired Navy officer and 30-year veteran of the U.S. Intelligence Community, is general counsel and state of Arizona director of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations.
Image: Pashi via Pixabay, Pixabay License.
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