With Thanksgiving, the vaccinated again show that they’re unclear on the concept

For my entire life—and I’m no spring chicken—getting a vaccination has meant that the person vaccinated is almost certainly immune to the illness the shot targeted. Occasionally, there are breakthroughs, but they are exceptionally rare. Those who are vaccinated against COVID should face the world with confidence. Instead, they are as paralyzed with fear as they were last year when they clung to the masks and lockdowns as talismanic protections against a virus. That’s why a new poll shows that 65% of people who’ve had the shots are banning unvaccinated family members from their holiday tables.

The poll comes from OnePoll, which contacted 2,000 people in the U.S. on November 2 to see how their vaccination status would affect their approach to the holidays. OnePoll put together a nice little video summarizing its findings:

The picture painted is a sad one and one, moreover, that can result only from the massive amounts of misinformation flowing from the government propaganda organs known as the mainstream media. Those who are severing family ties over a virus manage simultaneously to believe that salvation comes only from a vaccine while their behavior shows that they fully understand that the vaccine doesn’t provide much protection. In addition, their paranoia reveals that they are totally disconnected from their actual risk from COVID. And finally, their excessive devotion to the vaccine has blinded them to treatment options that apparently render COVID fairly innocuous.

In no particular order, here are some facts that, if these people knew them, might change their approach to family and the holidays:

The vaccinations are, at most, a treatment that lessens the severity of the virus (and there’s nothing to sneer at about that). By July in England, most COVID deaths arose among the vaccinated. In the U.S., Vermont is the most vaccinated state yet it’s having a steady increase in COVID cases. This wouldn’t be the case with a real vaccine.

The only way to maintain some protection against COVID is to get an endless series of boosters, each of which seemingly carries the roster of risks associated with the vaccine. Also, the vaccine has some very scary side effects. Given its limited protection, it’s not neanderthal thinking to avoid the vaccine; it’s a reasonable gamble on the part of those doing a risk-benefit analysis.

For most people, catching COVID simply isn’t a big deal. Although the left is now desperate to stick needles into children, the fact is that children have, at most, an 0.03% chance of succumbing to the disease. Given the known risks of blood clots and heart problems in young men, I’m struggling to understand why it’s a good thing to vaccinate children. (This ABC report purports to prove that the benefits outweigh the risks, but it never addresses what the risks of COVID are to children.)

Image: Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Want (edited). Public domain.

For most people under 60, while the risks from the disease are greater than for children, death from COVID is still relatively rare.

Although leftism makes the nanny-state promise of perfect safety for compliant citizens, there’s no such thing—and, at a certain point, the price of safety is too high. Although I know there are insanely stupid drivers where I live, I still get in my car to go shopping, travel and meet with friends. I take the best care I can but I know that there is no such thing as a risk-free life and, one day, the great equalizer will find all of us.

There are treatments for COVID. Monoclonal antibodies is one government-approved treatment that seems to work. A study out of India indicated that Ivermectin helped prevent COVID infections in healthcare workers. Medicine cocktails of supplements known to boost immune systems (Vitamin D, Zinc., etc.) combined with things such as Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin also appear to help. Boosting one’s immune system on a daily basis with Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Quercetin, etc. (plus healthy lifestyle habits) seems to help too.

(Please note: I’m not a doctor. None of the above statements about medicines or vitamins are recommendations. They are just observations based upon reading articles on the internet. Do your own research and don’t take my word for this.)

And of course, Pfizer claims to have a pill, Paxlovid, that has a 90% effective rate in treating COVID—yet the FDA, which leaped upon all the vaccinations, is dragging its heels on this seemingly wonderful new drug. Go figure. Maybe it’s because, if there’s a treatment, the government can’t bully people into taking vaccines and boosters anymore.

It's enormously sad that people living in a New York Times bubble have been rendered incapable of making a reasoned analysis of the actual risks they face from coming together as a family. The Democrats have successfully used endless panic to shut down the higher brain functions of too many Americans. As for me, my family will be joining me for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I’m so grateful that we can be together, whether people are vaccinated or not.

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