Record number of humpback whale calves spotted: Another predicted 'climate change' disaster that didn't happen

Many people are happy about this widely-distributed story from the CBC:

There were no humpbacks off southwest B.C. 25 years ago, but now as many as 500 have been identified

A record number of humpback whale calves have been spotted in the Salish Sea off the coast of British Columbia and Washington state this summer and fall, researchers say.

The Pacific Whale Watch Association (PWWA) says 21 calves have been photographed or tallied by watchers and researchers in the Salish Sea this feeding season. That's almost double the 11 spotted in 2020.

It marks a significant rebound for a species that was endangered just a couple of decades ago.

Nobody is sure exactly why there's been such a humpback baby boom.

It took my friend Mike Nadler, who sent me this story, all of 30 seconds to spot a sampling of supposedly science-based stories from earlier this very year — one of them two months ago — about the disastrous impact of climate change on humpback whale procreation.

How climate change is reducing numbers of humpback whale calves in the north-west Atlantic

Humpback whales may be struggling to breed as climate crisis depletes food | Whales | The Guardian

Humpback whales impacted by climate change

Op-Ed: How an encounter with humpback whales keeps me inspired in the climate change fight - Los Angeles Times

Why would anyone take predictions of climate doom seriously, much less destroy our power grid and bankrupt the nation to guard against them?

I recommend laughing at them, as does Daniel Wojick of

We should laugh at climate hysteria, especially the fantasy proposals for stopping evil climate change. Electrify everything, running it on wind and solar? Restructure the economy? Restart the world in a green image? Stop eating meat and drinking milk? These proposals are all laughable, so feel free to laugh at them, as it will do a lot of good.

Wojick backs this up with good reasons.

Hat tip: Mike Nadler.

Photo credit: Jean Beaufort, Public Domain Pictures.

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